사십. A friend of a friend.

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Sunoo's eyes and hands trembled, and Niki could clearly see that. The pink-haired one kept his head low, not wanting to meet heavy eyes yet.

Niki wanted to either run away or strangle him, he was even curious why he was applying to be a bellboy at his resort.

"Uh, this is our CEO, Nishimura Riki. We're in the middle of an interview right now, sir. Do you need anything?" The man bowed and politely asked, as Niki's knuckles clenched.

CEO? Sunoo thought. Niki owned this resort...

Sunoo peeked, making eye contact with Niki, immediately shutting his eyes and looking away yet again.

"Who's he?" Niki asked with no hesitation.

"This is an applicant for our bellboys." The manager then replied. Niki looked Sunoo up and down, thinking that he hasn't changed in the past 4 years. Still short, has the same facial features, just with different hair colors.

Niki snapped his fingers, facing his head towards the manager of the resort, aka the interviewer.

"Him. I want him as my new secretary."

Sunoo widened his eyes, looking at Niki like his life depended on it.

"B-But sir, there are more qualified applicants to be your new secretary-"

"I don't care, I want him."

Both Sunoo and the manager were startled about Niki's demand, not knowing what they should decide. The manager has never seen the CEO this demanding, he could lose his job if he says no.

"U-Uh..Sunoo, are you willing to do the job?" The manager asked, turning his head to Sunoo. Niki turned his head to Sunoo as well. Sunoo looked away yet again, peeking at the manager.

"I-I don't know-"

"You'll be paid double."

Sunoo gulped, hearing Niki speak about money, which was why he came to this interview..that took unexpected turns.

It was like Niki wanted him to suffer on the spot. Making such a decision would be stressful. He either helps his mother earn money but work for his ex-boyfriend, or he lets him and his mother go broke but meaning he won't see Niki.

"I-I.." Sunoo stuttered, palms sweating whilst deciding what he should do.

The manager just stood there, waiting for Sunoo's answer. He also hoped Sunoo would say no, he knows how grumpy the CEO could get when he's not pleased, so a boy who doesn't know anything about hotel management would be a burden.

"I-I'm okay with it.." Sunoo spoke, lifting his head and eyes up.

Niki's head looked down, lowkey smirking. He lifted his head up again, making eye contact with the manager.

"I'll take him now." Niki exited the room, leaving it silenced. The manager and Sunoo made eye contact, making Sunoo immediately stand up, bow, and follow Niki to wherever he's going.


Sunoo followed the one walking in front of him with utter silence. He wanted to start a conversation but he's afraid Niki wasn't ready to talk just yet. What could they possibly even talk about? The past? No, that'll just hurt them.

Whilst walking behind the taller and younger one, he could feel the stares from staff members. Why? Sunoo was worried they knew about his past relationship with Niki. That was too personal to share with even his own staff. The way to his office was a long way, and Sunoo just felt the awkwardness eating him up.

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