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"You're not even doing it right!" Sunghoon complained, as Jake huffed and gave up on mixing the sauce with the salad.

"Fine, then you do it!" Jake crossed his arms, as the whole friend group cringed.

"Are we supposed to act like this too?" Jungwon whispered to his husband as Jay shook his head,

"No, they're weird." Jay spoke, everyone, laughed at his comment.

"It's so beautiful outside!" Emi gasped, as Heeseung smiled at her.

"Not as beautiful as you." Heeseung commented as everyone gagged from his cheesy sentence.

"No wonder you stayed single for years!" Niki commented, earning a slap on the arm from Sunoo.

"Where's Kaito and Runa?" Jungwon asked.

"They're probably still asleep, they were the drunkest last night." Sunoo shook his head, reminiscing the fun night all of them had.

It seems like almost everyone now had someone for themselves. It has officially been four months since Jay and Jungwon got married, Jake and Sunghoon just recently got married a month ago too, Emi landed in Korea three weeks ago as she and Heeseung started dating, Kaito was planning to go back to Japan already as Runa stayed an independent girlboss.

"No, you're doing it wrong! Niki!" Sunoo complained, grabbing the scissors away from his fiance, cutting the meat the correct way.

"I'm cutting it as you told me to!"

"No, I said thin slices, these look like bricks!" Sunoo's high voice ringed through Niki's ears, groaning.

"It's just meat!"

"Which we're going to eat! You want to block out throats?" Sunoo dared Niki to answer back, scoffing as he didn't even fight back.

"Is this how you guys will act once you're married?" Jay scolded the two, as Niki immediately hugged Sunoo and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorryyy~" Niki cooed, as Sunoo's cheeks heated up from how close Niki was to kissing his ear.

"Fine fine, I forgive you. Let's all just eat!"


"Unfortunately, there are no more first and business class seats available. We only have economy class." The woman he was on a call with replied as Kaito took all the air in, breathing heavily.

"Oh, that's alright, I'll take the economy class." The woman replied with a yes as Kaito zipped his luggage. He's very rich, so of course, he would always take first class.

It's okay, economy class can't be that bad.


Dramatic music played as the male lead left the female lead, the guy seated beside Kaito started crying.

Yeah never mind, it is that bad.

Kaito tried his best to focus on his own thing which was watching a show with earphones on, but the sound of the person beside him overlapped and he can't hear a single dialogue.

"Can you please lower it down?" Kaito groaned as the guy beside him rolled his eyes. Kaito saw this and was in disbelief. He wasn't the only passenger on the plane, could he have at least a bit of respect?

Time passed by and it had become an hour till they have been in the air.

"Excuse me." The guy stood up with the intent to go to the bathroom with a rude tone, as Kaito rolled his eyes and pushed his knees back as far as they can.

Whilst the guy passing by, a flight attendant had headed in the same direction with a cart full of desserts.

"Watch out!" 

This resulted in Kaito grabbing the guy by his waist, his figure dropping on Kaito's lap. Although anyone in this position would push themselves off by now, they stayed like that for a few seconds, staring onto each other's eyes.

"..I'm Kaito."


Sunoo sighed, dropping his body on his large couch, finally able to fully rest his sore back. The trip was two days, and he wasn't able to sleep properly since he kept drinking. He just came back from taking a bath, and he might just fall asleep then and there.

"Finally." He smiled, as Niki who had wet hair with a damp towel in his hand smiled as well, sitting down beside him and caressing his hair.

"Sunoo hyung, we still have to unpack."

"Noo, let's just stay like this for a while." Sunoo wiggled more until his head was on Niki's lap, treating it like as if it was a pillow.

Even though his eyes were closed, he could feel Niki admiring his face since his fingers brushed away the small strands of his hair that were covering his eyes. A drop of water that came from Niki's hair landed on Sunoo's cheek, the older sighing.

"At least dry your hair first." Sunoo sat up with a smile, grabbing the damp towel from Niki's hand and ruffling his hair with it. Niki couldn't keep his eyes off of Sunoo's who was too focused on drying his own hair that he should be doing. 

Sunoo's eyes always had that little sparkle that Niki could stare into forever. His eyes dilated, admiring Sunoo's facial features more.

"I love you."

Sunoo's gaze went from Niki's hair to his eyes, the younger smiling. His cheeks turned red like how it always does, pursing his lips from being embarrassed.

"I know." Sunoo chuckled, letting go of the damp towel as Niki's hair was already less damp. Niki grinned more as he flipped them over, holding Sunoo by the wrists and hovering above him.

"Say it back." Sunoo's eyebrows furrowed, giggling from how cute Niki was despite trying to act serious right now.

"I love you. Will you keep acting like this even when we're married?" Sunoo took everything in himself not to burst at that moment. Niki replied with a hum, trailing kisses from the older's forehead to his soft plump lips.

"You're so pretty." Niki smiled, resulting to Sunoo tossing and turning from being too flustered, looking at Niki right in the eye with the same amount of love.

"What did I do to deserve you?"


Thank you so much for all the love and support you gave this book. I woke up this morning to many loving messages and it really warms my heart. I am more than happy to see everyone has enjoyed this book of mine, and I hope you look forward to more of my future works! I gave everyone a happy ending because although I am an angst person, I think that Kaito deserves all the love hehe :) Again, I will always appreciate you all, and thank you for reading UNBASHED OF LOVE <3

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