쉰여덟. Pursuing you.

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"And take your vitamins, you never take them!" 

"I will, I will!" His mother handed Sunoo's luggage, and Sunoo took it in his hand and planted a kiss on his mom's cheek.

The car door suddenly opened, revealing Kaito in sunglasses and rushing to help Sunoo with his bags.

"I'll take that. Good morning!" Kaito bowed and greeted Sunoo's mother, as she raised her eyebrows, seeing a handsome man come pick up her son had her overwhelmed.

"Is this your work friend?" 

"Ah, mom, this is Kaito, he's the CEO of the company we're partnering with, Kaito, this is my mom." 

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kim." Kaito shook hands with her to show manners as she was obviously flustered, making Sunoo roll his eyes.

"Well, you two have a lovely time~"

"It's not just the two of us-"

"Now go go, hurry! You'd wanna be there by eleven." Sunoo deeply sighed at his mother, heading to the car as Kaito put his bags on the trunk. Sunoo placed his phone on the stand, opening the map app and inputting the address Taki texted him.

Kaito on the other hand just stared at Sunoo doing his thing. He pinched himself ever since he woke up this morning, cannot believe that he was going on a trip with the one he liked. Although Taki would be there, it would still be great.

The engines started, Sunoo rolling down the windows to wave bye to his mom.

"You've never been far away from your mom?" Kaito asked whilst driving.

"I have, I studied in Korea for high school and she stayed here, in Japan." Sunoo smiled, bringing out a book that he had inside his backpack, bought not too long ago.

"You and your mom must be close."

"Without her, I don't know where I'd be. I grew up not having my father around much, but at least I had her." Kaito nodded, admiring Sunoo's warm words towards his mother.

"What are you reading?" Kaito never took Sunoo for someone who loves to read, but maybe he is.

"Oh, I bought this book last week. It's called Apocalyptic, it's about a zombie apocalypse, basically."

"Sheesh, why don't you wanna read like realistic stuff?"

"My life's already miserable enough." 


With 100 pages that Sunoo flipped, 30 minutes of sleep, and another 30 minutes of going through social media, They finally reached their destination, and wow was Taki's house quite modern and big.

"The things I'd do to live at a place like this.." Sunoo mumbled getting out of the car and helping bring out his bags. 

"I'll bring it-"

"No, I will-"

"Hey, guys!" 

Sunoo and Kaito turned around to see Taki and Hana jogging to them. Sunoo's face dropped, gripping the fabric of his pants. He was fine with Hana being there but not him.

"What's he doing here?" Kaito asked, teeth clenching as he stared at the guy in sunglasses beside Taki.


"You didn't tell us he was gonna be here.." Sunoo mumbled, looking everywhere except Ni-ki's direction. 

"Are you guys..fighting?" Taki gritted his teeth, feeling nervous. He didn't want any flame coming into the supposedly great trip he planned.

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