사십구. Just an old friend.

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Kaito took a step forward and reached his hand out for Sunoo to shake, as Sunoo looked at Kaito right in the eye. Until Ni-ki stepped in front of Sunoo, looking at Kaito with such threatening sharp eyes.

"Less flattering my secretary, more business talk, how about that?" Ni-ki plastered a fake smile and so did Kaito. Sunoo and Taki watched Ni-ki and Kaito head their way to the meeting room along with the rest of Kaito's team, worried that the tension between them will grow into something more serious by the hour.

"What do you think his relationship to Ni-ki is? And how does he know Runa? Do you think he's Runa's ex-boyfriend?" Taki bombarded Sunoo with a bunch of questions he doesn't even know the answer to. 

All Sunoo could think about was the same. What's his relation to Ni-ki and Runa? Were the three of them friends in the past or something like that?

"And he called you pretty boy, I saw how much you blushed." Taki teased him, making Sunoo jolt his head.

"You don't know what you're saying." Sunoo scoffed, crossing his arms.

"I think Kaito likes you."

"Taki please, he's known me for ten minutes-"

"Have you ever heard of love at first sight?" 

"He bullied me in the elevator. And plus, even if he does, which is disgusting, I won't like him back. I like someone else.."

Taki raised his eyebrows, a smirk plastering on his face as he kept nudging Sunoo's shoulder teasingly. He knows exactly who Sunoo was talking about.

"Ooh, is it..Ni-ki?"

"Shut up." Sunoo bumped the smirking boy, walking away as he didn't want Taki to continue his unnecessary teasing.


"Runa-kun!" Ni-ki giggled at how much Runa had been tickling him for the past minute, smiling adorably with his boxy cute teeth.

"And this is the little space where your classmates play. Oh, there's some of them! That's Ni-ki and Runa, I'm sure they'd love to be friends with you!" The teacher had pat the kid's back, leaving him to make some friends.


Lunch had come and everyone sat on the floor, enjoying the lunch their parents had made for them. The kid sat alone, getting upset at how no one has approached him yet. 

Until a dark shadow had been present.

He lifted his head up and saw the same girl from earlier.

"Hi, why are you eating alone?" She asked with an angelic smile. The boy's eyes dilated, not only was she pretty but she was nice too, and she could be his first friend.

"I-I'm new here, I don't have any friends yet.." 

She sat down in front of him, placing her lunch box on the table.

"I can be your first friend. I'm Haruna Atsuko, you can call me Runa." She stuck her hand out for him to shake, as the boy hesitated at first, but clasped his hand with hers.

"K-Kaito Tanaka-"


Runa had jolted her body to the familiar voice, smiling brightly and waving. Kaito glanced to his left and saw a boy approaching. The same boy earlier.

"I didn't see you at our table." The boy pouted as Runa gave him a small yet sweet hug.

"I was making a new friend, Kaito, this is Ni-ki, Ni-ki, this is Kaito."

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