이십 육. Whatever happens, I'll love you. Right?

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Birds chirped, the sunlight hitting Niki's face. The boy's eyes flickered open, quietly groaning in order to not wake up the boy beside him. Niki lifted his head up to see Sunoo sleeping, his hands around the older's waist, basically hugging him.

Niki smiled, ruffling Sunoo's hair and grabbing a pillow, exchanging his figure with it. Sitting up and going down the bed, Niki washed his face, looking at his reflection on the mirror in front of him.

I can't believe I slept on his bed..

Niki grinned, turning the lights off and heading to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast for Sunoo. Eggs. Simple, but the younger didn't know how to cook much so he worked with what he can make.

Niki finished cooking the meal, putting on his clothes and neatly folding the clothes Sunoo lent him to wear for yesterday, leaving a small note by the dining table.

Niki twisted the hinge, looking back to see Sunoo still sleeping, a smile plastered on his face before leaving.


Sunoo rubbed his eyes, climbing down from his bed and looking around to see no sign of Niki. Yawning, his feet dragged him to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, noticing Niki's note sticked on the dining table.

Good morning, Sunoo hyung! Hope you had a good sleep! I too was able to rest well with your body beside mine ehe. I made eggs for you, their by the stove if you wanna eat them! See you in school today ^^

- Niki :3

Sunoo chuckled, grabbing the plate of eggs and sitting down by the counter with a fork on his hand, taking a bite of the eggs and leaning on his chair.

"Tastes like home.." Sunoo closed his eyes, the taste of the eggs remembering him of his mother's cooking.

Ddeon crawled up by the chair beside his, tilting his head.

"Oh! I'm late for school!"


"Sunoo hyung!"

Jungwon saw Sunoo enter the classroom, hugging the older as Sunoo chuckled.

"Are you okay?! Where did you run off to yesterday?! We were so worried!" Jungwon whined, pulling away from the hug as Sunoo tilted his head and smiled.

"Oh? In a good mood?" Jay asked, as Sunoo sat on his seat.

"Mm, more like slightly better." Sunoo responded, his hands freezing before grabbing his books.

"By the way..

What happened to Runa?" Sunoo asked, taking his friends aback.

He asked not because he cares and forgives her for what she did, but because he was wondering if she got what she deserved.

"The principal suspended her for three weeks, I think you and Niki also have to answer some questions since you guys were involved in the situation."

Sunoo hummed at Heeseung's words, taking his books out when the door slid open.

"You too! Where have you been?" Heeseung scolded the boy who entered the classroom, who was also smiling at Sunoo.


Niki spoke and smiled, taking his seat as Jay slapped his forehead.

"Yeah no shit, Nishimura. Both of you disappeared after school!" Heeseung scolded both of them, making the two chuckle.

"Try getting bashed in front of the whole school, let's see if you can handle that." Sunghoon pat Heeseung's back, slapping the back of the older's head.

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