삼십일. Return of the devil.

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"Wait so you really don't like mint choco?!" Sunoo huffed, not believing what he's hearing.

They had finished their assignment and they're both now talking about their likes, dislikes and stuff that has happened all through out their lives.

"Nope, but maybe if I eat it more maybe I'll like it." Sunoo glared at Niki with his sharp eyes, feeling offended, who on earth hates mint choco?!

Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon and Jungwon. Oh right.

"Since we're talking about your likes..your birthday is coming up." Niki smiled as Sunoo raised his eyebrows.

"Oh right, I almost forgot! I don't really want anything in particular, maybe meeting my mom would be nice. It's almost been a year since I haven't seen her." Sunoo pouted as Niki's hand found it's way to his head, ruffling the older's hair.

"Why? Are you gonna give me a present?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking what you like." Niki cheekily smiled.

"Just a hang out with my friends, that's all." Sunoo smiled back, checking the time through his phone.

"It's ten thirty, I should get going." Sunoo placed the glass of juice on the coffee table and got up, only for his wrist to be held.

He turns around and see's Niki smiling.

"It's late and your house is far away from mine. You should stay here."


"Hyung." Niki knocked on the bathroom door with the stack of clothes on his hand.

The door opened as Niki sees Sunoo brushing his teeth with the extra brush Niki gave him.

"Here's the clothes you can borrow." Niki handed them to the older as Sunoo smiled.

"Thank you." He softly spoke as those simple words won over Niki's heart. 

It wasn't as if they were sharing a house, living together or something, but Niki felt like Sunoo belonged her and should just stay with him.

The boy didn't know what got over him, the next thing he knew was hugging Sunoo by his waist and pecking the older's lips.

"W-What?" Sunoo was taken by surprise, looking at the younger who was smiling cheekily.

"Nothing, I just like your eyes and lips."

"I-I.." Sunoo stuttered looking right at the eyes of the one holding him by his waist.

"W-Weren't you just sad earlier?" Sunoo joked around and chuckled, getting out of Niki's grip.

Niki had already forgotten about that and he wanted to remain to forget about it cause thinking about it would only make the boy upset.

"Well, you said you won't leave me so what's there to be upset about?" The boy flashed a sweet smile as Sunoo stopped his tracks from closing the bathroom door.

Niki trusts him that much? Wow.

He must really really like him.

"T-That's true." Sunoo smiled, closing the door as he changes his clothes.

Sunoo sighed and leaned on the door, playing with his fingers.

How will he break the news to Niki when he knows Niki just loves him so much?

That was something he would worry of another day for now he's at his boyfriend's house, he should put on a smile to make the boy worry less.


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