삼십삼. Time and space.

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Niki scoured through the large number of students crowding the hallways. His eyes tried it's best to see if Sunoo was anywhere of sight, but unfortunately, no luck.

No amount of words can express how much he wanted to tell Sunoo he didn't mean that foolish kiss with Runa.

He hopes that Sunoo comprehends but Niki also can't help but overthink. What if this escalates and Sunoo would wish to break up with him?

Oh, that would shatter the kid's soul. He doesn't want the person he loves to leave, not again.

Niki found it so amusing that someone like Runa could be so addicted to someone. But yet again, many people experience that.

We can't always have the things and people we fall in love with.

Sometimes fate doesn't want us to be with certain people we dream to be with.

Like how a middle schooler is desperate for her crush to reciprocate the same feelings as them.

Or how a fan of a certain idol falls in love with them, living with the fact that their celebrity doesn't know about their existence.

We fall in love with people we can't have and that's heartbreaking, Niki knows that. So yes, he does understand how Runa feels.

But it still doesn't give her the right to make someone suffer so much. Seeing the way Sunoo now acts around his schoolmates, even their friends know he still hasn't forgotten about that whole incident.

It doesn't give her the right to talk bad about Sunoo, doesn't give her the right to humiliate him in front of tons of people, doesn't give her the right to kiss him despite knowing he's taken.

Niki now just hopes Sunoo doesn't take it the wrong way. He expects Sunoo to know damn well how much Niki himself hates Runa and her actions so he was just hoping the older could forgive him and let this pass.


Sunoo didn't think anymore and just went straight home. He knows how much Niki hates Runa and he trusts Niki, but he can't just see the younger right now.

He wasn't in the right state to do anything or say anything sane, and he could only call one person to let all his feelings out.

"Sunoo-ah? Oh! Are you crying?!" The middle aged woman shouted from concern on the other end of the call.

"Mom..am I a bad person? O-Or am I unlikeable?" Sunoo asked out of the blue, making his mother immediately think her son had just went through something.

"Sunoo, did something happen at school today? Please tell me, I want to able to help you." Her sweet voice of concern had made the boy crying even more.

"I-I don't fit in here. I feel like utter disappointment. Everyone else aside from my friends hate me, after the things I've done, It seems like I feel I should just go back to Japan.."

The mother could hear her son crying from the other end and only wished she could hug him right now. She knows her son the best and knows for a fact he's sensitive when people bully him.

"Sunoo, do you mind telling mom what happened? Tell me what's making you feel like you don't belong."

The silence for a few seconds had his mother worrying even more while the boy just sniffled quietly.

"Mom..I'm so sorry.."

"Why, my dear? Did you do something wrong?"


His mother was growing impatient. Many scenarios had gone through her head, she hoped that he wasn't hurting himself at the moment.

"I'm dating a boy.."


It was out.

The one he trusted everything with, his mother, now knows.

It was different from what she expected, shocked in fact.


"I-I feel so ashamed. I don't know if I like him anymore, and I can't bare to tell him cause it will break his heart. Everyone at school is bullying me for it, and that makes me feel like I should stop seeing him, I'm so sorry mom, I've disappointed you. You raised me so well with great love and care and I turn out to be a dis-"

"Now hold on, Sunoo."

"You're not a disappointment. Honey, I'm your mother. And as your mother, I should be able to make you feel safe and loved, not worse about your problems. If you really like him, who am I to say anything? You've been unhappy ever since your dad left, all I want is for you to be happy. And now that you possibly are, that makes me more than glad that you found someone you really like, regardless of who they are."

"But that's the problem..I'm confused about how I feel about him. And just today..I saw him kiss someone else. I know he hates her too, but it just made me feel worse."

"Trust is important in a relationship, Sunoo. If you can't trust each other, there is no love. Be honest. About anything, about everything. Don't you think telling him your feelings would be for the best?"

Yes, it would be.

He knows Niki trusts him.

So keeping his feeling hidden will just hurt the younger more, his mother thought.


It's been 2 days since Sunoo hasn't talked to Niki.

Past each other down the hallways, didn't talk.

Seatmates in the same class, didn't talk.

Saw each other by the school gates, didn't talk.

Niki was devastated that he probably hurt Sunoo's feelings more than he thought he did. Well of course, he did kiss a girl even though she initiated first.

It made Niki feel guilty to the core. And if kissing her didn't make him feel worse, the ignorance of Sunoo perhaps did.

It was making him feel like they could split up at any moment.

Today was the day of the field trip, there were no partnering so they all just sat beside someone they wanted to sit beside.

Niki entered his class' bus, seeing Sunoo on the 3rd to the front seat, looking out the window with earphones plugged.

Niki sighed as usual, sitting down beside his Heeseung hyung at one of the back seats.

Sunoo of course noticed Niki's stare earlier and he just shook it off.

He wishes nothing bad happens the whole trip.

"Hyung." Jungwon's head popped up on the seat right in front of him as Sunoo got startled, unplugging his earphones.

"Did you and Niki fight?" Jungwon humbly asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Jungwon pouts as Jay pulled his sweater, indicating him he should just leave Sunoo alone for some time.

"Okay hyung just saying, Niki really misses you and wants to talk to you about it." Jungwon sighs and sits back down, as Sunoo looked outside the bus.

Gloomy sky like his mood. He feels like something bad will happen. A fight, or something else maybe. He just hopes its just a stupid hunch though.

He doesn't feel like bumping in the person he feels sorry for.


Hellloooooooooo sorry for late update fhskdjkd I will prolly update again tomorrow because it's semester break for me until nov 10 yipee :)) Hope u have a wonderful and healthy day^^

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