사십오. That should be me.

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Sunoo leaned his shoulder on the wall with his empty Frappuccino cup in his hand, watching the meeting from afar since the walls were glass. He looked at how Hana and Ni-ki sat together, closely looking at the laptop in front of them.

Look at them, they don't even look like a good pair.

Taki leaned beside Sunoo, glancing at the pink-haired boy whose face scrunched from how uncomfortable he was.

"What are you doing staring at them?" Taki asked, making Sunoo scoff.

"Nothing, I just don't have anything to do as of the moment." Sunoo asked, his eyes widening and eyebrows furrowing when Ni-ki's body hovered over Hana's head, pointing at something on her laptop and proceeding to talk. Taki watched how Sunoo's jealous aura became even more obvious, laughing.

"What's funny?" Sunoo asked seriously.

"You are. You're jealous right now."

"I am not!" Sunoo shouted, loud enough for the people in the meeting to turn their heads at the two outside the room. Ni-ki looked at how Sunoo's furrowed eyebrows and pout were showing, mentally smiling about it. The meeting resumed as one of Hana's teammates started presenting the next slide of their presentation, but Ni-ki can't help but take glances at Sunoo once in a while. What does he mean by "I am not"? He was now curious about what the older and Taki were talking about.

"I'm gonna go to the reception to see if there are any papers I have to organize."

"I'll go with you." Taki turned his head to the meeting, looking at Ni-ki right in the eye. He smirked and placed his arm around Sunoo's shoulder, making Ni-ki widen his eyes. Taki watched as Ni-ki discreetly mouthed 'Get your hand off him' with a serious face and God Taki just hears Ni-ki's deep voice saying that. Ni-ki was jealous and he didn't even try to hide it. The younger brought out his finger, spelling a simple NO, which caused Ni-ki to purse his lips with an angry facial expression.

The two proceeded to walk until they stopped at the trash can beside the entrance of the meeting room, making Sunoo halt for a second. He threw the empty Frappuccino cup inside the can, huffing with much attitude this time.

Bet he gives drinks to this Hana girl too.


"Oi! Go back to work!" The manager knocked on the glass windows, making Emi quickly put her phone back in her pocket and bow, swiftly gathering all the cup noodles from the outside tables and throwing them in the trash can.

Emi dragged the trash bag to the alley behind the store, panting hard as it was heavy. She rested her back on the brick wall, sliding it down as the trash bag stayed on the other end. She brought her phone out yet again, seeing a notification.

Lee Heeseung accepted your friend request.

Emi's body jolted up, holding her phone to the height above her head. She opened the notification, realizing that she wasn't dreaming.

This is for real!

She squealed, stomping on the ground like an excited baby. She can't wait to get to know Heeseung better, she's sure they'd be great friends.

"Hey! I told you to go back to work!" Emi hid her phone, the wide smile not leaving her face.


I should report this to Sunoo right away!


Sunoo stood by the elevator, waiting for the door to open so he can go to the ground floor. The day was over, meaning they could all go home. It was currently seven in the evening, and he wanted nothing but to go home and get a nice sleep.

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