십. The 2nd time.

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It was weekend and Sunoo had nothing to do since it was his first weekend back in Korea. His friends didn't plan on meeting up or anything, so Sunoo just layed down there on his bed, scrolling through his many social media apps.

Whilst scrolling his Instagram, 2 small paws tugged on the sleeves of his sweater, feeling small footsteps go around on the bed.

"Awh, want something, Wonnie?" Sunoo brought Wonnie on his lap, caressing it's smooth fur as the cat nuzzled itself on Sunoo's lap.

Sunoo giggled at the animal's cuteness, then hearing a notification sound from his phone.

New message from Mister future Park👀👻😩

Mister future Park👀👻😩

Yo Niki stan, we're going to the mall this afternoon and maybe going to a haunted house. Wanna join? :3



Mister future Park👀👻😩

Oh c'mon, It's your first weekend here! We get to hangout aside from seeing each other in school! I bet you don't even have anything to do anyways, HyUnG🙄


Ugh okay fine but if I pass out on the haunted house, You're carrying me back to my home, got that??

Mister future Park👀👻😩

You're the boss! ;))

Sunoo sighed and grinned from happiness, excited to meet his friends and have a fun time. As Sunoo tried getting up, Wonnie looked at him with pure boba eyes, making Sunoo's heart melt.

"Don't worry Wonnie, you'll be good by yourself right? I'm meeting the larger, and human version of you, so be good!" Sunoo booped Wonnie's nose before standing up on his feet whilst getting ready.

Wearing a simple pink and grey checkered polo, a decent set of pants and his converse shoes, Sunoo pet Wonnie on his head one last time before going out to the bus stop where he would be taking the bus to go to the mall to where he would meet the others.

Sunoo sat down one of the singular seats, glancing right to see a lovely old couple holding hands.

Sunoo's smile went soft, admiring the sight.

Did love really last that long? Don't you get tired of being with that same person for years and years?

Sunoo was eager to find someone, love them, date them, get married probably, grow old with them, God he just can't wait to fall in love.

To him, Love was the most amazing thing in the world. And nothing can ever change little Kim Sunoo's mind.

The whole ride Sunoo stayed silent, quietly humming to the music whilst watching the music videos playing on the large screen displayed and hanging on the bus ceiling.

He even heard high school girls screaming the names of the idols such as 'Choi Yeonjun' and 'Choi Beomgyu' and all the other members of the kpop group called TXT.

Sunoo sighed from the noise, glad that the mall was right in front of him, getting out of the noisy bus and heading inside to where he was greeted with the cold atmosphere.

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