오십오. Well that was uncalled for.

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Sunoo tapped his foot to a random rhythm until the elevator doors opened, immediately hopping on it. He was a bit early to work, but that was because he was excited to. He doesn't know why, he just is.

He pursed his lips, bopping his head and humming to a song he always listened to. He seemed so much brighter and energized than a few days ago and he himself doesn't even seem to notice it.

The elevator stopped at a certain floor, the doors opening as he meets eyes with Ni-ki, the small hairs on his skin rising from his cold aura. Sunoo coughed and stepped aside, giving more space to Ni-ki as he mentally scoffed.

He doesn't even bother to apologize.

The doors were about to close when a foot hurried to keep it open.

"Thank you!" Hana shouted, smiling brightly at Ni-ki.

As if the elevator couldn't get any worse, Sunoo thought.

Lord, please help me, I'm trapped with two idiots.

Sunoo bit his bottom lip, eyeing Hana who tried to make conversation.

"It's cold today, isn't it?" She blushed, making Sunoo roll his eyes.

Of course, it's cold, winter is near!

Sunoo had his eyes furrowed from being annoyed when the elevator stopped at another floor, making Sunoo stomp his feet. Why can't he just get out already?!

The doors opened, revealing Kaito.

"Oh!" Sunoo gasped, waving happily at him. Kaito smiled back, making eye contact with Ni-ki at first, before bumping his shoulder and standing beside Sunoo.

Ni-ki tilted his head a bit to the left, his eyes going as far as they can to see Sunoo blushing, making his already serious face look more terrifying.

"Did you get home safely yesterday?" Kaito asked as Sunoo nodded with much reassurance.

"Thanks to you, I was able to sleep really well from how happy you made me yesterday." Kaito pursed his lips at the warming words Sunoo had spoken, ears turning red from fluster.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Ni-ki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to look suspicious at the moment.

Enjoyed what? What did they do?

"Oh? Sir Nishimura? Are you okay?" Hana leaned in closer to Ni-ki, alarming both Kaito and Sunoo.

"I'm fine, thank you." Ni-ki smiled at her, resting his hand on her shoulder. Sunoo's smile faded, biting his gums at the sight. Kaito noticed this and checked the floor, and in great timing, the doors opened, making Kaito grab Sunoo's hand and drag him away from there. He didn't want Sunoo to see such a sight again, and he as well..doesn't want to see Sunoo have that look in his eyes, making him think that after all that Ni-ki has done, the younger still liked him.

"Are you okay?" Kaito asked, making Sunoo shake his head and smile.

"Of course I am! You didn't have to drag me out, you know.." Sunoo wasn't able to continue his sentence when he looked down and saw Kaito's hand holding his, ears and cheeks becoming pinker. Kaito realized this and immediately took his hand away, his gaze looking away as well.

"I'll uh..get to work." Sunoo laughed, waving and biding Kaito farewell as he walked to his office table.

Kaito smiled and put his hands in his pockets, turning around to see Ni-ki in the same position. Kaito let out a smirking scoff, taking a step closer to Ni-ki.

"Are you jealous?" Kaito winked, making Ni-ki look done at Kaito's actions. Ever since at the elevator, they have been irking each other, wanting to rip their hair off like silly high school girls fighting for their crush.

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