아홉. Keep one eye out.

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Runa hopped out of the bus, getting stares from a few girls her age. They looked like they were jealous on how pretty she was. Of course, Runa smirked at them, obviously knowing she's dashing as always.

Boys drooled over her as she walked inside the school campus, glancing at a familiar figure. Runa grinned at skipped her way to the group of 6.

"Hi boys! Hi Niki!"

Niki lifted his head up from his phone to see the horrible girl.

"I'm going." Before Niki could leave the group, Jay caught him by the back of his collar, bringing him back inside the circle.

"C'mon Niki, try to be nice to females for once." Jake suggested, giving the younger 2 thumbs up.

This is ridiculous, Niki thought.

"It's okay Niki-ssi, I don't bite."

Niki eyed Runa who was grinning widely, looking into her eyes with a glare that looked like he hated her guts. Because he did.

Oh how he silently groaned at how she already has his 5 friends wrapped around her finger. What spell did she cast on them? Nothing. Just her charm, her own self wasn't so evil as Niki makes it seem on his 5 friends' eyes.

"You guys can go first. I have to talk to her."

Niki grabbed Runa's wrist harshly, dragging her somewhere that the boys couldn't follow.

"What's up?"

Sunoo spoke out of nowhere, making the 5 boys startled.

"Oh, child Niki just dragged Runa somewhere, he said he has to talk to her." Heeseung sighed and shook his head, rolling his eyes at the youngest's sillyness. Sunoo bit his lip at what his hyung said, hoping that Runa was okay with that boy.

"Why, Sunoo-ssi? Because you're afraid Niki might steal Runa away from you? Aye, I bet that's the reason." Sunghoon teased, making Sunoo hiss at him.

"Well I'm not the one who kisses Jake hyung in public, that's so embarrassing!"

"Well at least I have someone to kiss! You don't have anyone!"

Sunoo and Sunghoon growled at each other first thing in the morning, to the point Heeseung and Jake had to pull them apart before they could pull each other's hair.

Sunsun chaotic duo, am I right?


"You're hurting me!"

Runa hissed, Niki's grip was too tight and would probably leave a mark on her wrist afterwards. Niki went inside an empty classroom, locking it before letting go of her.

"What are you doing to my friends?" Niki's tone made him look furious, well because he was. Runa rubbed her wrist that was slightly wrist.

"I'm not doing anything, what do you mean?"

"Don't lie to me, I know their just one of your victims to play."

"Oh please, don't act like you don't play with other people too."

Niki twisted his head at her words, her smirk appearing.

"What? Got nothing to say, Nishimura?" She raised an eyebrow at him, her fingers tracing the empty seats of the classroom and blowing the dust out of her fingers.

"See, Niki? We act alike, it means we're meant for each other-"

"So if we are, then why did you stranger-zone me when we were 10?" Niki crossed his arms, making his tone more stern than before. He was fed up with Runa's games. He wants to know what she'll do.

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