육십사. At last, you're mine.

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Now playing UNBASHED OF LOVE THEME SONG - Afterglow by Taylor Swift

"You still don't know how to tie a necktie?!" Sunoo's mother complained, going in front of her son to the work he should already know how to do by now.

"You look really good in this dress, mom." Sunoo hugged his mother as she chuckled and hugged her back.

"Jay and Jungwon are getting married today, not you!"

"Does someone have to get married for me to compliment my own mother?" She sucked on her teeth, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go, we'll be late, the venue is almost an hour from here!" They hurried to grab their necessary things and got out of Sunoo's house where they saw Kaito opening the car door for them.

"You look nice today." Kaito smiled as Sunoo did the same.

"I know." He chuckled, getting in the passenger's seat as Kaito started the engine.

He can't remember the last time he's attended a wedding, probably when he was five years old even. But he's so happy that the latest one he'll be going to is his friend's. He reminisced the time Jungwon and Jay had a crush on each other during middle school. Like the time Jay first saw Jungwon in the library because he was 'studying', he fell and the younger helped him up. Then they became friends through Sunoo himself, which he was very proud of because you could say that without him, Jay and Jungwon wouldn't be a thing.

Then Jay asked Jungwon out in front of the whole cafeteria in year 12, and the relationship grew to become stronger as to their feelings too. He watched them become friends, lovers, and God could he cry cause he grew up with them and now he'll be watching them become officially each others.

He was jealous though, if only he could have something like that too. But that will come in a few, time will take care of it, he thought.

On the way there, his mother can't stop complimenting Kaito which had Sunoo in a puddle of embarrassment but Kaito himself seemed to like it. Jay and Jungwon offered Sunoo to take a plus one and of course, he would bring his boyfriend.

Yeah..boyfriend. Still feels weird.

They eventually arrived at the venue, getting out of the car as soon as they parked. They gasped at how beautiful it was. It was outdoors and it was decorated simply yet there was something so elegant to it. Maybe it was the chairs, the buffet, or maybe that bigass wedding arc that was decorated in flowers.

"Jay hyung really is so rich." Sunoo laughed, heading his way to the back where he could meet the two.

"Sunoo hyung!" Jungwon happily spoke his name as he entered the room, the two immediately hugging as Kaito smiled at the sight.

"Congratulations, I am so so happy for you." Jungwon smiled widely at Sunoo's kind and soft words, holding his hand really tight.

"I'm scared, hyung." Jungwon mumbled as Sunoo asked Kaito to leave for a bit since this might become personal.

"Scared? Why? Maybe you're just nervous."

"I am, I really am! Now that I'm here, I worry that Jay hyung might not appreciate me long enough. I'm not that much of a good cook as him, I'm not as organized as him, I don't know how marriages work, will Jay hyung still love me when I'm old and wrinkly?" Sunoo laughed, cupping Jungwon's shaking cheeks.

"That's why marriage is so beautiful! Of course, Jay hyung will still love you that way, he'll stay with you till the day death do you apart. You will grow old together and I just think that is so sweet. Don't be scared. You get out there, say your vows and next thing you'll know, you'll be living in an amazing house with your amazing husband who will cherish and love you forever."

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