삼십이. Unfortunate event.

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Sunoo leaned down, grabbing the can of soda he bought through the vending machine, opening it like it was nothing, proceeding to gulp the drink in.

He turned his gaze and gulped harshly, coughing. He cursed under his breath, wiping his lips.


Sunoo looked away, throwing the can on the trash bin beside the machine, walking away as far as possible from, her.

"Sunoo-ah, I'm sorry. I am." Sunoo stopped his tracks. Although he knows she's not worth his time, he still proceeded to listen to her nonsense.

Sunoo turned back and rushed his way to Runa.


She fell on the floor with one slap in the face.

Good thing no one was in that hallway, he didn't want any more recordings of his problems.

"You deserve that." Sunoo spoke, walking away again as the female's hand remained on her cheek.

Runa sighed, hissing. Yes, it hurt badly. But like what Sunoo said, she did deserve it.


Runa shook her hands, rinsing the water off her as she heads towards the girl's locker room door when a bundle of girls halted it.

"Runa, right?" 

"Y-Yeah." Runa smiled, replying politely to them.

"We can't thank you enough for what you did to Sunoo, it was amazing." One of them smirked and Runa instantly figured out that these girls were Niki's fangirls.

"W-What I did was rude and wrong, please never bring that up again. Now if you excuse me." Runa politely went through the group of girls, fleeing the locker room.

With the weeks that Runa was to be suspended, she used that time to spend days understanding that what she did was immoral. Of course, she was in denial at first, but she knew deep down it was wrong, she just did it because well, she likes Niki.

They're in senior high school, can't they cause less difficulty for themselves? No, they're at an age where all they care about is love.

Runa kept her head down as she walked on the cold marble floor of the pool, turning to exit the venue.

Only to meet eyes with Niki.

Niki swallowed greedily, looking away. The boy immediately tried to rush down past her but Runa luckily got a hold of him.

Niki flinched at her touch, surprised that she dares to grab him like that.


"Let go of me." Niki tried his best to sound tough cause he was fuming right now. 

The girl that ruined his boyfriend's reputation is right in front of him, who wouldn't be mad?

"I want to talk with you."

"Well, I don't." Niki shook his wrist off only for both of Runa's hands to grab him, placing her forehead on his shoulder.

"Please...I'm sorry...I can't go back to Japan, if my father finds out you haven't forgiven me yet, I'll be sent back..please Niki, I am sorry.."

"Then I'll be happily pleased if you leave." Niki shook his wrist off Runa's grip but she grabbed his shoulders, begging for his apology.

You can't beg someone to forgive you, but it was worth a try for her.

"Agh, I said let go of me!" Niki jerked his corpse hardly resulting in Runa tumbling in the pool.

Despite Niki knowing she couldn't swim, he just acted and pushed her in.

Niki watched her drown and catch her breath.

Yes, he hated Runa.


He can't just let her die.

Niki threw his head back, taking his coat and shoes off, jumping inside the pool. He grabbed her by her legs, carrying her somewhat bridal style.

Runa panted heavily, relieved she's not drowning anymore.

Unfortunately, hers and Niki's eyes made contact.

She stared at him full of love meanwhile Niki himself didn't even know why he's still holding her.

Next thing Niki knew,

Her lips were on his.

Niki widened his eyes, his mind malfunctioning.

God damn it, why aren't you moving?! Niki thought to himself.

"Hyung!~" Jungwon shook Jay's arms, the whole friend group entering the large pool room.

Jungwon stopped whining when he turned his head to the familiar figures in the pool as the rest followed his gaze.


Niki let go of Runa, pushing her to the side where her toes can touch the floor of the pool.

Before Niki could speak his name, Sunoo shook his head, jogging out of the pool room.

"Hyung.." Niki mumbled, getting off the pool, putting on his coat, trying to catch up to Sunoo when his friends, specifically Heeseung and Jay stopped him.

"Give Sunoo some time."

"But I didn't-"

"Space, Niki, space," Heeseung spoke, making Niki squint his eyes, making eye contact with Runa.

Niki sighed, rushing to her, proceeding to grab her wrist and drag her outside the room.

"Niki-ah, I-I'm sorry-"

"Just please stop bothering me. You can remain as my friend, I don't care. Just stop liking me!"

"I didn't mean it-"

"You keep bothering me and Sunoo, please stop! I get you like me, but I don't like you anymore, that was years ago! I like Sunoo now."

"Niki, I am sorry-"

"You better be. Stop making Sunoo's life miserable. You'll meet someone else, it's just not me."


That hurt, right Runa?

And with that sentence, Niki ran off, with worry filling him up as Runa stood there, already filled with her heart's broken pieces.

And yes, she can take a hint.

Maybe this is the time she stops.

She's just too in love that it leads to denial.


This chapter is basically everyone treating Runa like shit, we love that🥰 HAJJSKSKS /j, a few more chapters to come till pHasE 2, I'm sorry for slow updates y'all fhksjsk <33

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