예순셋. It's high time.

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Sunoo had his arms crossed, looking deadly at his group of friends who were majority looking down.

"W-Well to be fair, you didn't tell us you guys weren't on good terms-" Sunghoon mumbled, making Heeseung nudge his shoulder. It's better to keep quiet since Sunoo looked serious.

"I'm not mad guys. Just..you didn't bother to tell me? You know that Ni-ki and I don't have a good past." 

"But Sunoo, Ni-ki's our friend, and we want to invite him to our wedding, is it gonna be so hard to see him for just one day?" Jay replied, to which Sunoo sucked on his teeth. Jay was right, it was his wedding so he had every right to invite whoever he wants to invite.

"But- Why are we dragged into this?" Heeseung, Jake and Sunghoon spoke, making Jungwon look at them in disbelief.

"You guys were the ones who made the invitations?" Jungwon hissed at them as the three agreed. 

"We're sorry Sunoo hyung, we'll make sure to seat you guys away from each other, is that okay?" Jungwon reasoned out since he knew how much Sunoo didn't like hearing or much more seeing Ni-ki as the older nodded.

"But how did you know though?" Jake asked.

"Ah, I bumped into him the other day at a convenience store. He tried saying sorry and other stuff."

"Sorry? Shouldn't you be the one saying sorry? Did something happen back in Japan?" Sunghoon got bumped on the shoulder by his hyung again, as Sunoo sighed.

"I don't wanna talk about it, and plus, I have a better life now." Sunoo smiled, thinking about his present relationship.

"And by better life you mean your little boyfriend? Runa told us about him, can we see a picture of him?" They all huddled in as Sunoo shook his head.

"He's gonna be here in a few minutes. He really wanted to meet you guys."

"Huh? Us?"

"Oh, there he is. Kaito!" 

All of them widened their eyes at the handsome figure walking towards them.

"Oh my god, even his name is hot." Jake mumbled, making Sunghoon look at him weirdly.

"Guys, this is Kaito. Kaito, this is Heeseung hyung, Jay hyung, Jake hyung, Sunghoon hyung, and Jungwon." Kaito smiled, reaching out his hand to greet all of them.

"Congratulations on your wedding by the way." Kaito smiled, making Jay and Jungwon smile softly. A gentleman they see.

"What's your job? How old are you?" Sunghoon asked, making Jake look at him weirdly.

"Oh, I run a Cruise company back in Japan, and I am twenty-six years old."

"HA! He's younger than Heeseung hyung." The whole group laughed, as the twenty-seven-year-old Heeseung himself rolled his eyes at Sunghoon's comment.

"And how did you guys meet?" Jay asked.

"Ah, he was partnering with the company..I was working at and we just met then." Sunoo smiled at Kaito, not wanting to say the name of the company he worked at.

"Well..do you love each other?"

"Jake hyung!" Sunoo whined, not wanting his hyungs to ask such rushed questions.

"I do." Sunoo's head jolted as Kaito replied, making his heart slow down for a bit.

"W-We just started dating five days ago." Sunoo kept himself embarrassed to avoid feeling like he has to say it back.

"Well, I and Jay are going to be seeing the wedding venue, you guys have a good time." Jungwon held on to Jay's hand, smiling at their friends before heading out of the cafe.

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