The Icing on the Cake | Donnie x Reader

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"This place is starting to look like a whole bakery."

Your head whips up as Donnie announces his presence in your kitchen. His eye ridges are raised as he slowly swivels to take in the array of sweets and pastries you've tried to perfect all day long for a big fundraiser at your school tonight. One of your favorite out of many after school clubs is holding the event tonight and while food's being provided for all the people coming, everyone in the club is bringing their own desserts or drinks and you're just now realizing how much of a mistake it was to promise a delicious homemade cake with only a day to teach yourself how to properly make one. Especially when your parents wouldn't be home for the day to help you.

You look around the kitchen yourself at all the half eaten concoctions of cupcakes and cookies and such you had made and tasted, only to be convinced they just weren't good enough for the big event. They weren't exactly bad, but every time you tried to fix a problem with your previous batch the next one came out too chewy instead, or too grainy or way too sweet and you're this close to giving up.

"Yeah... I guess I don't do as much as I thought I do when I bake with my parents." You admit sheepishly. "This is a lot harder by myself."

You suppose your first mistake was trying to stray from what you're used to making and shake things up. You had plenty experience helping make the famous L/n family cake with your parents for every special holiday and on birthdays, but how were you supposed to know those skills wouldn't just transfer over to everything other pastry?

Now after a whole day of baking it was almost time to leave and you still had nothing you were willing to present at the fundraiser yet. So finally, you landed back on a safe and simple cake, no special Y/n modifications thrown in. Oh so simple, and yet still kicking your ass after two tries. Which would be why you asked Donnie over for some culinary help.

"I hope you weren't doing anything more important," you ask, taking a break from mixing the dry ingredients in a bowl to turn to him while wiping off your hands.

"Eh, just tinkering around and doing some light maintenance. Nothing pressing." He shrugs as he walks further into the kitchen towards you, smiling as he lands nearer.

"Well I'm glad because I'm screwing up my entire plan for the day. I was supposed to be getting dressed already!" You groan, letting your shoulders slump.

"I'm still not sure why you called me," Donnie says, not too reassuring. "To reiterate what I said on the phone, I don't have much of a track record in the kitchen and what little experience I do is kind of disastrous."

"I know, Mikey's told me about the time you guys tried to make breakfast and nearly destroyed the kitchen."

"That's a bit exaggerated, but... mostly accurate. But I don't see why you'd want my help knowing that." Donnie's tight line curves more towards a frown of worry. "I don't know the first thing about the culinary arts."

"Yeah but you'll definitely be better at actually following the instructions than me." You point out with a huge grin, sliding the glossy laminated sheet of your family's old recipe across the counter to him. "Don't even worry it's just simple stuff I need help with, you'll be fine!"

"You're having trouble with the instructions?"

"I thought I could make it better by trying my own style..." You admit, pretending not to see Donnie's knowing look when it comes to your lack of restraint. "It turns out the amounts listed aren't just suggestions. Who knew, right?"

"Aaaand you're just now figuring that out?"

"Yes and I need to leave in half an hour but I'm in the middle of my third try on a cake with almost nothing left over of most of the ingredients I needed to make all this so please help me fix my mess?" You drone out quickly, begging in your politest tone either your biggest smile.

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