A Day to Ourselves | Mikey x Reader

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You stirred in your bed. Asleep in bliss as the early morning sun beams streamed into your room. You were happily sleeping in since it was Saturday, but something was bringing you out of your peace.

"Into the unKNOOOoooooown!"

You turned over, yawning softly. Your eyes squinted closed even tighter in protest, willing the sounds of music paired with a screeching voice to go away so you could return to your sleep.


Your eyes snapped open. As the boisterous singing went on something clicked that managed to set off several alarms in your brain.


You jolted up and threw the covers off of yourself. Quickly descending your staircase, you found the terrapin standing in your kitchen, amongst kitchen tools and clutter.

He was standing in front of your stove, belting out (or at least trying to) the bridge to the movie you two watched last night when you snuck out of the house to hang out at the lair.

"Are you out there?! Do you know me?! Can you feel me? Can you show MEEE?! TAKE IT AWAY, PENNY."

"Mikey, what are you doing?!" You shouted over the music, managing to catch his attention.

"Oh, hey, Shortcake! You're finally up!" He shouted back over the music, failing to answer you. "I thought I would make us some breakfast while you were napping. Ya like your eggs scrambled or fried?!"

Your eyes widened as he babbled on over the speakers. "Sh! You're gonna wake up my parents! You have to leave! What are you doing here?!"

"What? They're gone, silly! Remember? The conferring you told me about."

You squinted, struggling to understand him with all the noise. Mikey finally waltzed over to the counter and turned down his Disney playlist.

"Don't worry. I did a sweep before I broke in, we're cool. I dig your house!"

Your gaze drifted to the clock on the stove and you saw that the seven o'clock hour was ending. Ohhh. That's right. Your parents left earlier this morning to catch their flight for the conference. The time was already almost 8 AM and they left you to house sit.

You were surprised you almost forgot after getting so excited to chill at home by yourself for a weekend. After all, it was your idea to convince them to let you stay instead of dragging you off with them to the conference in Myrtle Beach. Granted, the meeting site would've been nice to reside in for a short time. But with homework and friends here you figured it'd be better to stay while just the two of them went together.

You came out of your clarifying thoughts and glanced at the clock again. No wonder you forgot. Who could think straight, let alone be this awake at eight in the morning?

You sigh, relaxing and taking a seat at your counter. "So you decided to break in and make all of our food?"

"A turtle's gotta eat! And so does my sweet cheeks." He winks and flips over a pancake while his eyes are still on you.

You can't help but smile at his playfulness. You shake your head. "You are an enigma, Michelangelo."

"You'll let me stay over, won't you?" His grin widens. "I promise not to break anything and to give you as many cuddles as you want!"

You chuckle, staring at him while still trying to wake up enough for this conversation. "Um..."

"Pleeeease? It's been like forever since we got to hang out!"

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