🐢💙 2nd Thanksgiving 🦃

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"Y/n... Y/n, wake up." A gentle voice called as even gentler hands shook you by the shoulder. You curled away from the embrace and hugged your pillow. "Come on, you're gonna miss the festivities... Y/n... I know you're awake. Don't make me tickle you."

"If you tickle me anywhere especially my feet I'm not responsible for any injuries I give you."

"Princess. Don't think I won't find other ways to get you up."

"If you leave now I won't remember you disturbed my sleep." You offer, burying your face into your pillow.

There was no response, so you smiled peacefully in your half slumber and tried to go back to sleep. Until you screeched and jerked awake as you feel an arm around your ankle and fingers tickling at the bottom of your foot. Your first response is to try and use your other foot to kick at your offender, but he simply grabs that one too and pulls you down towards him to get you to his face level.

You huff at his victory, but refuse to turn and face him.

"Pout all you want. I can do this all day."

You feel his hand at the back of your calf, warningly sliding down towards your foot, so you groan and finally turn over, giving a sharp look up at him. "Okay!"

He just grins in response, as if you've offered him free chamomile for life. "I love that face."

Well, you were awake now. With a sigh, you rub your hands over your face. "Why do you people think holidays mean get up even earlier?"

"If you get up now, I'll give you lots of kisses."

"You have to do that anyway." You respond flatly and turn back onto your stomach, reaching for your pillow, but Leo's arms encircle you before you can reach it and pull you to sit up, ignoring more of your groaning protests.

"I don't think so, missy. We've got a full day ahead of us. And Mikey has a big breakfast prepared."

You close your eyes and snuggle into his arms instead, resting your head on his shoulder to get comfortable. "What do you mean?" You mumble, remembering Mikey was working on the big dinner.

"He wanted to get everything done early this year." Despite trying to wake you up, he embraces you warmly and smiles down at you. "Cooking for half of the day last year and then only getting a plate in before battling for the rest of the day is something he doesn't want to repeat. You know Mikey." He grabbed the mug he brought in and offered you the hot chocolate he made, grinning as you perked right up upon the heavenly smell and took a sip. Your hungering stomach grumbles in response to the liquid.

"Mm... well, as long as you didn't help make it, I'm up for a continent sized breakfast."

Leo arches an eye ridge and chuckles in disbelief. "Oh, starting early are we?"

"Well I had to get you back for waking me up," you couldn't hide your smirk, and had another sip.

"Anyhow, he stayed up most of the night so breakfast could be ready on time." You nodded a little and closed your eyes again, nuzzling into his neck as you cradled your cocoa in your lap. "Plus he won't spend most of the day finishing everything. Starting dinner so late last year didn't exactly end well for anybody."

"Mhm." You hummed softly.

"... I still feel bad about that one."

For a second you had to process what you just heard him mumble, but when you did, your eyes opened and you straightened up.

"Are you kidding?" You glanced at Leo, and smiled at the traces of past guilt in his face. "Leo, it was never your fault in the first place. And I'm not upset about it, so why should you be?" You took his face in your hands, cupping those cheeks you love to hold, so you knew he'd listen to you closely. "Last year is in the past. I don't want to think about it, I just want those kisses you promised." You whispered, booping his nose lightly upon your request.

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