🐢💙 Christmas Eve 🍪🥛

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"Mikey, quit it." I whine, scrunching my nose up at the plant on a string attached to a little wooden "pole" in Mikey's hands that keeps steering into my face. I guess so he can annoy from a safe distance.

"I'm not gonna stop until you guys do it!"

My cheeks warm once again at his request, but I play it off. "I'm trying to take care of these last few presents. Some of which might be yours?" I cross my arms on the floor and lean back against the seat of the couch.

Mikey gasps in excitement. "Ooh! Either do it, or let me have a little sneak peek of my present and I'll stop."

I chuckle. "How about no and no."

"Ugh." He whined. "Leo!"

"What?" Leo says agitatedly from the couch above me.

"Why won't you guys do it?! What's the big deal?"

"Maybe sticking it in our faces in front of everyone isn't the way to go about it."

"Yeah. If Y/n doesn't wanna kiss Leo of all people under that dead plant ya got attached to rotting wood like it's a fishing pole, I wouldn't blame her either."

I can't help the chuckle that comes out from Raph's joking. Leo sends me a look, but I cheese at him innocently. He just smirks, unable to stay annoyed with me.

"Too bad. Do it!" Mikey whines, steering the mistletoe on a stick into my face again.

I sigh and swat it away. "I'm trying to wrap and I don't want to mess it up."

"You know what you are messing up? My Christmas wish! You both know I can get way more annoying than this."

I sigh and run a hand over my reddening face, not noticing Leo sliding down next to me. "Leo, maybe we should just–" I start out softly, but am cut off when Leo's face is suddenly pressing against mine.

Red flooded my face as I realized the forwardness and publicness he was taking with such a public kiss. In just those few brief seconds the kiss lasted there were still many things I couldn't help but notice about it. How demanding it was, how brief but wholehearted it still was. How passionate but modest it was since we were in front of everyone when he bit my bottom lip just as he pulled away. A kiss like that, I almost didn't care that everyone else was around.

"Way ahead'a ya." He mumbled with a wink and kind smile, then casually leaned back against the couch. It made me grin more up at him. My face almost burned with blush, and I fought the urge to bite my lip as Mikey sighs happily from beside me. He's such a fanboy.

"Ah, my ship still sails. Again!" He demands, bumping Leo's face with the mistletoe this time and then mine again. With a sigh and a decision to get back at Mikey, I grab the nearest couch pillow and hit him with it.

"That won't stop me!" He cheers and swings it into my face again, making me lose my grip on the fold I was trying to tape down.

I groan. "Mikey!" I yank the mistletoe off the string and get up after him when he tries to run away from me.

"MY SHIP WILL SAIL!" He screams as I'm hot on his heels around the living room. He continues shouting about how we're endgame and singing some weird ship name he gave us until I catch up with him, hurtling the holiday decoration he was pestering us with at his backside. I giggle as he falls to his knees after tripping. "I've been hit!" I finally get to him and jump on his back, unintentionally taking him and myself down to the floor. Rolling on the floor, Mikey ends up on top of me in the middle of the living room floor, heaving in our fit of laughter.

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