🐢💙 Christmas! 🎄🎁

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Gradually, I wake up to feeling a hand slowly rubbing my back. I feel a lot more relaxed and warm waking up this morning than I do others. Whatever I'm laying on is really comfortable and I feel more tranquil.

"Hm?" I whimper softly as I slowly start waking up more, becoming aware of a presence. When I rub my eyes I feel another hand on my cheek, stroking it.

"Mornin', cutie."



I pull my hand away and blink away the blur, smiling softly when I see his face. "Hey..." I croak, voice still raspy.


I smirk tiredly. "I got you to stay over night."

Leo rolls his eyes with the same sweet smile accompanying it. "Which makes you evil. You know how I get when I'm tired and totally took advantage."

"Guilty as charged." I beam smugly and start to sit up slowly, stretching my bones. "I had told you not to lay down when you got tired. It was out of my hands from there. And once you started to 'rest your eyes' there was absolutely nothing I could do."

Leo sighs playfully and keeps his hands resting on my waist as I shift on top of him. "Well as much of an evil mastermind you may be, I'm actually glad you tricked me into staying with you. Then we wouldn't be waking up together on Christmas morning."

"What?" I smiled at first, but didn't register that last part of the sentence.

"Waking up together right now...? On Christmas..." I blink. "It's Christmas."

My eyes widen to saucers, and I start wondering in my excitement how I couldn't have immediately known what today was when I woke up. I gasp. "It's Christmas?!" Leo's grin widens as he chuckles. "It's Christmas!" I squeal excitedly.

"Sh, sh, it's like seven a.m.," Leo holds a finger to his lips and looks around with a boyish grin. "Everyone's still asleep and I'm not supposed to be here, remember?" He almost laughs.

"Oh..." I blush and lower my neck, pressing my face into his chest sheepishly. "Sorry."

Leo chuckles and kisses my cheek softly. "Lucky for us we have a little while to just lay here for a bit."

I tuck my chin into his chest gently, deciding to take the childish road again. "Hehe... I got you to stay overnight."

"Oh hush." Leo groaned once I brought it up again to rub in his face. "It's a small win. Please don't be proud of it."

"Oh, but I am. I am very proud of it."

He pulls me closer to his chest, and I snuggle up comfortably. "You are way too mischievous."

I happily smile and allow that grin to spread across my face as I think about today, involuntarily squealing in excitement until Leo hurries to shush me again.

"I'm starting to think you want to get into trouble."

"I'm sorry! But aren't you excited?" I bite my bottom lip giddily. "Christmas is the best holiday ever."

"Of course... I'm excited to give you another holiday you never had."

I shake my head gratefully and lean over to peck his cheek, surprised that that's what he's thinking about right now out of all things. "You're amazing."

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