🐢💙 Halloween 🎃

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{{Hey guys! It's four days late but here's the Halloween bonus/side chapter for the Leonardo BF Scenarios! (Aka the first chapter of the Oneshot book! 😆). This section of time or whatever you wanna call it is separated from the main story because of what's currently going on. And it's Halloween... not summer. So really the only things that have happened in this "universe" is the first several months of when you and Leo knew each other, but nothing up to the point where we are right now in the main story. This will apply to the other ones too like Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc. Mutation Day and birthdays– I'll probably put one of them in the main story and the other in here as a side for that, or possibly just an individual one shot, idk yet? Which means I'll also be deciding how much of what's happening in THESE chapters actually happened in the main book as I go along and figure it out. ALSO since this will be the oneshot book I'll be specifically labeling chapters like these that are side chapters to the main story, and all others will be normal individual one shots.}}

🎃 🎃 🎃

"Heyyy. Whatcha watchin'?" I ask Leo as I walk into the living room, seeing him perched right in front of the TV.

"It's the Space Heroes: The Next Generation Halloween special!" He tells me with a grin, surprisingly looking away from the show to look at me. I should've known by now. I can hear the excitement in his voice and see it in his eyes, which makes me smile. Until he kept talking. "Wanna watch with me?"

My smile drops. "Um... I actually kinda got a few things I have to do–"

"Come on." Leo rolls his eyes and reaches up to grab my wrist, gently pulling me down with him and the pumpkin he's carving before I can decline.

I groan as I sit on the floor next to him. "Why do you torture meeee?"

Leo grins with a laugh and shakes his head at me. "You don't have to watch. I just want you to sit with me."

I grin at his words and rest my chin on my hands. "Aw, well now I feel all bad."

"You should."

This time I roll my eyes and give him a side nudge in addition. "Shut up." I grin and then look around at the Halloween supplies he's got at the ready, his pumpkin sitting in the middle of his crisscrossed legs, carving knife in his hand, a Space Heroes t-shirt to his left, and different masks that are all probably Mikey's.

A few minutes in of watching this special he's so excited about and I feel like I've already lost a few brain cells from watching elderly Captain Ryan give out stupid orders and disintegrate one of his team members. I know they have limited options with a TV that only takes DVR tapes, but I still don't really get his obsession with the show, or at least with Captain Ryan so much when Leo's a much better leader than he'll ever be. But to each his own I guess.

When I can't take watching a second more of Ryan's stupidity, I refocus my gaze to Leo, who's mumbling things to himself. Mikey's slowly creeping up behind him with a disgustingly horrifying– yet awesome mask on, but I don't bother letting Leo know that.

"Yes, yes this is perfect!"

"wHat'S peRfeEeeEeeCt?!"

Leo yelps when Mikey's horrendous masked face appears beside him, growling menacingly into his ear. He jumps and scoots back quickly, and the terror on his face is hilarious.

My shoulders shake as I chuckle when he calms down and tries to play it off.

"You okay there, Fearless?" I tease with a smirk.

He looks from Mikey over to me and immediately makes a fist over his mouth, clearing his throat.

"Ha! You should've seen your face! Man, please tell me someone recorded that!"

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