Just Friends. Right? | Casey x Reader

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"I never would've pegged you for such an oldies sci-fi movie type guy," you comment, eyes squinting as you tried readjusting to the harsh sunlight. "This must be the only theater in town showing films that old. And cheesy..."

"You kiddin'? Clash of the Aliens was beyond awesome!" Casey hopped over the bike rack in his way as you left the theater, starting to send jabs at the air. "I could've taken out that space commander with one punch though."

"Ah. Yes. The unorthodox disturbing violence must be the appeal." You joked. Well, half joked.

He didn't respond, but followed you around the corner as he grunted, sending jabs and dodging nonexistent blows of imagination. He knew you were heading towards your place a couple blocks down. "Who wouldn't wanna take out an evil alien space race with a giant radon laser that had the ability to blow their entire ship up if they had the chance?"

"Ya know? I never thought about it." You responded as if in genuine thought.

Casey smirked at your quip, fisted hands pausing for a moment to nudge your arm. "Come on. I saw you during the movie, you were totally into it."

"I was entertained. Doesn't make it a good movie." You laughed.

At this, he hopped in front of you, backing up as you kept walking, but still dancing on his feet as if he were in a boxing ring with you. "Wanna know what the best part was?"

"Hm... The giant gross alien monster? No. The part where all those guys died. No! It was the end. Definitely the end when it was over."

"Ha." He grinned, knowing you were teasing. When you reached the stairs of your front door, he hopped onto the cement curving down with it, becoming still for a moment. "It was how the hero never gave up, no matter what."

You stopped beside him, noticing his face was a rare expression of genuineness, and admiration. The hero's persistence definitely was one of the film's enjoyable qualities. It wasn't hard to see Casey valued it a lot. And, it was actually pretty... cute.

"Yeah. Fair point." You conceded, smiling a little. "I'm still picking the movie next time though."

"Deal. Or we could keep this action marathon going in your place?" He suggests, back to punching invisible bad guys. Only, you were the bad guy now and he playfully sent missing swings at you before backing up and doing it over and over again.

Now, when Casey wanted to hang out, he was down for the full day experience. There was no grabbing a slice then parting ways or watching a movie and heading home. Which didn't bother you at all. Casey Jones pretty much became your best friend when you moved schools. Nobody else at school was really bothered about buddying up with the new kid in the middle of the year. And honestly, you were more focused on a smooth transition to notice. He's one of the few students in a fair amount of your classes. That and, you honestly think he was drawn to your lonerness when he started talking to you.

Today was good timing since you knew no one was home for a while, so you didn't need to think twice about grabbing your keys.

"Come on," you laughed, quickly matching a couple of his jabs with a block. "We can watch something made this century."

"What ya got for me?" His challenging grin was back as he followed you inside. You knew exactly what you were in the mood for.

"We're watching the next Avengers movie you haven't seen."

You were shocked the first time he told you he didn't watch movies too much. Especially since he always loved seeing them. It still makes you wonder what he does in all his free time instead. You definitely thought he'd be more interested in the modern superhero stuff, which, you found was right when he watched an Avengers movie with you. He was hooked since then.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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