🐢💙 New Years 🎉

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"Are you sure this was a good idea?" I pull my jacket tighter around my chest in hopes to keep out the biting cold.

"It won't be if you don't at least try to stay warm."

I give Leo a look for his incredulous remark. As if I want the cold cutting at my skin like this.

"Ya gotta button up, Y/n. That is what these are for..." He reaches for me and starts buttoning my jacket up to my neck that's already practically being choked by the new scarf he gave me.

"Yeah but then I get all hot with all these layers. What if I start sweating and then the cold freezes it and I get pneumonia and then die." I fidget as he tries to help me, pulling at my scarf and readjusting the beanie he also got me. Leo sighs and grabs my gloved hands to keep them still. He shakes his head and smirks.


"Oh." I raise my eyebrows and step away from him since he wants to play games. "Alright. I guess I'll go find another human to have that New Years kiss with." I turn to walk away and barely take a step before I feel his arm slung around my waist and pulling my front back against him.

"Now that, was just cruel."

"So was yours." I point out. He grins and leans in, kissing my lips. I smile softly and gently cup his cheek before pulling away to join the others at the ledge until his hand tightens on mine, stopping me again.

"Don't get too close, ok?"

"Ya know, so far you haven't told any of the others that."

"I do it for a reason." He says with an amused smile. I roll my eyes and smile again anyway.

"I'll be careful."

"Thank you."

Our fingers brush slowly as I pull away again and sit next to Raph, looking over to the bright ball in the middle of the sky.

"Man, I can't wait to see the ball drop!" Mikey grins excitedly, rubbing at the sleeves of his trench coat. He was down on the fire escape with Master Splinter and Mr. O'Neil, the two helping Mr. O'Neil on the grill after he insisted on cooking for tonight since Mikey spent so much time making food for everyone for the past two holidays. Plus he insisted on treating everyone with barbecue.

"Have any of you guys gone to see it before?" Donnie looks between Casey, April and me as Leo starts handing out the cups of cocoa.

"Not me, I'm usually either in with the family or on vigilante night duty, looking out for any scum who wanna do any last minute rounds while everyone's distracted."

"Dad and I used to all the time when I was a kid. It's been years since we last went."

"Once with a couple friends from f/a last year." I answer, thinking back to a year ago with Camila, Anna and Natalie. "It was really fun. Loud, and crowded. But still fun." Leo comes and sits next to me, handing me a hot chocolate last before sitting next to me with his own. "This is better though..." I add soft enough so only he hears. Leo grins at me and winks before taking a sip of the cocoa, and I do the same.

Raph peers slightly over the edge. "How's the grilling going down there?"

"Exquisitely." Mikey says braggingly, then looks at Mr. O'Neil who's really doing most of the work. "Uh, right?"

"Yeah, everything will be ready soon."

"It smells great, Dad."

"Agreed. I cannot say I have had the pleasure of trying ribs before... I was human for only so long after first coming to America."

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