Leo fluff because everything is sad right now and it's Valentine's Day... :)

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You were laying on Leo's chest, snuggling with him on his bed as you scroll through social media. It was a busy week that left you tired and in need of some Leo time. But it had only been a little while before he got a bit restless laying around. You both had stayed busy all week, and yet he was the only one left with plenty of energy.

"Baby." He pulled you closer and nuzzled you with his nose. "I want attention."

"I give you attention," you state, making a bit of fun as you open up some camera filters on his face.

"Not enough." He states, starting to lightly trail a teasing finger down the side of your stomach.

"No!" You drop your phone and slap his hand away instinctively before he could start tickling you. "Don't start that."

He grinned and his hand continued to caress your skin, stroking back and forth as you made eye contact.

"Leo, stop!"

"I'm not doing anything." He responded defensively, then proceeded to smirk and taser your sides. You squeal and push his hands away.

"Stoooop!" You laughed, trying to get up and get away.

Leo smirked wider and grabbed your waist to pull you back, then pulled up your shirt and leaned down, blowing a raspberry onto your stomach.

"LEO YOU KNOW I HATE THAT!" You laugh loudly and desperately push at his shoulders.

Leo laughed out loud and crawled up to your face, winking. "There's no escaping me, I'm inevitable." He dipped down again and blew a raspberry into your neck now.

"Quit it!" You laughed and hit his arm.

"Give me what I want."

"A knee to the groin?!"

He grinned, mood changing as a look passed through his eyes. "You would never hurt me." He purred, voice smooth as butter. His kisses trailed from your neck, so slowly up to your cheek.

"You are insufferable..." you mumbled, face red.

"Only when I want to spend time with you."

After one more soft kiss, he pulled away just enough to look into your eyes, wearing his typical expression of neediness you knew all too well.

You grinned and tossed your phone aside carelessly, never breaking eye contact with him. Surprising him, you sat up and shoved him down. A blissful smile graced your lips as you looked down at his blue eyes, cupped his face lovingly, and kissed him. A chaste kiss to the lips first. Then you kissed his chin gently, then kissed his chest above his shell. Leo hummed, and you felt a hand in your hair. You kissed his beautiful skin and inhaled his rugged, masculine scent. Your lips trailed from his chest up to under his chin and then back to his cheek. He certainly wasn't the only one to miss having private time together this week.

"How is this for attention?"

Leo beamed at you, letting his fingers run through the soft strands of hair. Your eyes closed for a moment as he cradled your head, and you kissed his wrist. Leo just couldn't keep his hands off of you. They roamed from your face, to your hips, until they finally intertwined his fingers with yours.

Leo always knew how to get what he wanted. He knew what tactics to use most effectively for the right time, whether in battle or with you. Though he always found one situation more rewarding than the other.

With the speed of a ninja and the libido of a passionate teenage male, Leo grabbed your waist and flipped your positions so fast all you saw was a blur. He lightly growled as he nuzzled his nose across your jawline. He could never go too long without taking the lead when it came to you.

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