🐢💙 Thanksgiving Part 1 🦃

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On Thursday morning, I walk out of my room in a much happier mood than usual. Sporting my warm autumn/wintry pajamas, I make my way out of the bedrooms to see if anyone else was already up. I didn't think to ask before, but since it's a holiday maybe Splinter wouldn't do training today.

Already I'm thinking about how different this Thanksgiving already feels. Waking up with other people actually there. Being part of a home to be thankful for. It's already better than every other Thanksgiving of my life. I have something to look forward to. Something to be happy about.

"Hey, guys!" I barely even recognize my voice as my own when I enter the kitchen, happy to see the others are indeed already up. They're standing and sitting around the kitchen island, Mikey standing in the center of it all as he is, again, fast at work for the feast later today. All week he's been in full on chef mode; ordering me and April and Casey which foods and ingredients to get for it, keeping people clear of the kitchen or specifically requesting their help when he needed it. Even asking Leo for help once or twice. Of course, he watched him very closely and instructed very clearly just in case, which was sweet.

"Hey." Leo is the first to respond in the following chorus of "hey"s and "morning"s as usual, not hesitating to rest his hand on my back when I walk over and lean in to kiss me on the lips. I blush profusely at the bold display in front of his brothers, smiling sheepishly and looking down awkwardly to avoid any other gazes.

"Guess we know what she's thankful for." Raphael jokes with a smirk as he looks at Mikey and Donnie.

"Shut up," I mumble, more feelings of embarrassment surging through my chest. Leo's arm wraps itself around me protectively. Taking a seat with the rest of them, except Leo who's also standing, his arm stays around me, and I hold onto it. I look up at Mikey who's putting a pie in the refrigerator. "Still on the job, huh?"

"You know it." He grins proudly. "Happy Thanksgiving, dudette!"

The others start chorusing the same greeting, making me smile with growing happiness.

"Thanks. You, too."

"Hey, you too, Sensei!" Mikey's grin widens, his eyes on the doorway as Splinter comes in, already smiling.

"Ah, yes. It is that time of year again, and this time we have the pleasure of spending it with yet another new friend."

Raph squeezes me tightly to his side after seeing my sheepish smile, smothering me in a teasing way with one of his famous headlocks.

"He's talkin' about you, squirt!"

"I'm aware." I strain while tapping on his arm around me. He chuckles as he releases me.

"And don't forget April and Casey are coming over later!" Mikey reminds everyone.

Later on, we've all moved to the living room, giving Mikey some working space while Splinter helps him out this time. Of course Leo is watching some Thanksgiving special for Space Heroes, because they apparently have to have a special for everything. Donnie and Raph seem just as annoyed or bored by it as I do. Don's got some invention sitting in his lap that he's tinkering with to keep his hands busy as usual.

"Okay. That's it. I can't watch this anymore, I'm turning to the parade."

"Wha– What are you doing? It's just getting to the good part!"

"Just finish it tomorrow." I suggest, completely on Raph's side.


"Leo." I whisper and nod my head towards the kitchen where Mikey's head is sticking out of the entryway. I know he's about to recruit again since Splinter is walking out and heading for the dojo. Which means we're one person closer to being alone.

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