"You're an a**hole" | Raph x Reader

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I push through the school doors that stand in between my friends and me and the math hallway of our school. Though as soon as we're on the other side, I find myself heading towards my home room early.

"Hey, Raphie."

"Hey, babe."

Raph separates from the group to grab the blonde's waist and kiss her on the lips. I look away and act casual, walking past them as if it's no big deal. If he wants to be with her, then whatever. But the way he's been rubbing it in my face for the past few days only irks me even more. So I ignore the way he grins as he kisses her and pulls her close against him, and keep walking past, denying any possible thought that I might wish that was me he were giving so much attention to.

"Are you okay?"

I'll die before I let him see it getting to me. I mean, just because we had a fight doesn't mean I'm gonna be all heartbroken over him if he decides to be petty and get handsy every time I'm around him and his tool– I mean, Emily.


"Huh?" I stop abruptly when Leo snaps me out of my thoughts, but it only causes whoever was behind me to bump into me and drop their stuff.

"Sorry," I mumble and sigh. I kneel down to pick up April's binder, Leo doing the same with one of her notebooks.

"It's fine. But, are you okay?" April cocks an eyebrow, picking up a yellow pen and looking at me.

"You seem, um... upset." Leo stumbles over his words in search of the right one, his questioning eyes just as blue as they are in his original form. That's the difference between Raph and me. He has anger issues and maybe I have a bit of a temper, but Leo doesn't feel the need to walk on eggshells around him because they're brothers. Sometimes he has to try a little harder with me.

"No, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

I hardly even think about what I'm saying as I stand up straight and give April her stuff back.

"Cause you snapped April's pencil."

When I look down and see my hand squeezing two broken pieces of a once intact pencil, I realize the death grip I had and force myself to relax my hand.

"Oh. Oops." I mumble before starting to walk again.

"Look, I can talk to him if you want."

"And get him madder at you? No. It's okay. There's nothing to talk to him about."

"Come on, Y/n. We all know what happened, we were all there."

This makes me stop and sigh internally. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that," I mutter to myself but loud enough for them to hear. Guess it was wishful thinking hoping they would magically forget what was going on. I turn around. "Look, Leo. Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have brought you into this. You don't have to get caught up in it even more. In fact, it would probably just make things worse."

"Alright, well... you gonna be okay in math class with him?"

I tighten my grip on my own binders, slightly annoyed at all the Raph related questions. These aren't exactly things I want to talk about right now. Especially with the people who know every possible detail about this situation and whom lying to is pretty much useless.


Absolutely not.

Raph, Mikey and Casey were all in my math class. Casey because he failed this class last year and Raph and Mikey because they're new students and my class had the least amount of people for their academic level. Leo and of course Donnie and April understand the subject better than us so they have a different course at a different time.

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