🎥 A Whole New World | Leo x Reader

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Y'all know I had to. The new Aladdin movie is amazing and I've always had such a soft spot for the original so I just had to do a little chapter for it.

Pressing your back against the corner, you aim to stay hidden until it's time. You wouldn't want anyone seeing you too early. Screwing up your first time doing this and getting caught is the last thing you would want right now.

Taking a breath, you pull your hijab over your hair and shoulders to cover you up beyond easy recognition. You wore little make up just for this occasion, knowing it'll make that much difference since a heavy routine of beating your face was always in order before facing the public.

Alright, Y/n. Better get going before anyone finds out I'm gone too soon.

Taking another breath, you relax your shoulders, tilt your head downward, and move from behind the shadowy corner to enter the market place. Your heart was already beating fast. You've never really been exposed to the public like this before. Being only a few feet away from people and them not even giving you a second glance as you pass by them, if they even gave you one in the first place. It's almost as if you weren't even there. For a few seconds at least, until you really got deep into all the sellers and tents.

"Beautiful beads for a beautiful wrist!"

"Pretty lady, buy a pot! No finer pot in brass or silver!"

"Um, no, thank you." You smile politely and back away from on of the seller. Maybe getting that close in distance isn't a good idea. No one else had bothered to give you a second glance, but a look of registration checked in on the man's face as you moved along.

Accidentally, you bump into a man eating fire, who incidentally swallows it. You gasp and your eyes widen at the sight as he starts coughing, he burps out fire from his mouth.

"Oh!" You jump back to avoid getting charred. The man beat against chest once or twice, pleased. "Uh– very good." You smile awkwardly and scurry on quickly.

You continued along only to encounter more. You came across a tent selling clothing items. But it was the scene a few tents down from you that captivated your attention. There was a boy, sitting atop of a tent, with a monkey at his side. He had dark, probably black, shaggy hair and a red contrasting fez topping it. You thought it was strange that he wasn't wearing a shirt; not that the weather called for it either way. But come to think of it, looking at the rest of his clothes, and the partial lack of them, he must not have much in general.

No one else seemed to notice him, too consumed in the crazy societal and economical life happening below. He was murmuring to the little monkey and it was nodding back to him enthusiastically. Next thing it's swinging down and hanging by its tail to grab a melon. But the man selling the food notices easily and crosses over to the animal quickly to take his product back and scold him. Funnily enough, the monkey mimicked the man's physical gestures and admonishes in a mocking way. But the real goal was to keep him distracted as the boy from the tent reached down quickly while the man's back was turned and successfully snagged a melon himself.

The whole thing was almost animated. It was kind of funny. Eventually the man got tired of dealing with the furry rascal. He waves his fist at the monkey and you can't help but giggle at such a cartoonish event.

"Miss! Excuse me, miss!"

For a moment you thought someone had figured you out and panicked for a short second, but a man pushing a cart was simply trying to push past you in the path teeming with merchants and buyers.

"Sorry." You smile and move out of his way. He returns a grin and nods to you as he moves on.

"Watch it!" Another man warned you before you could trip over a vase.

TMNT x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now