🐢💙 Thanksgiving Part 2 🦃

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6:00 PM

Still no word from the turtles and the others. It's been two hours and forty minutes since they left and around an hour since Splinter left after them. I shoot Leo a text asking if he and everyone else are ok. The only way he'll respond soon is if they're already on their way back so I don't expect a response any time soon. Just hopefully soon enough...

7:00 PM

I wash off my plate after getting everything I wanted. They obviously won't be back within the next few minutes so there's no need for waiting on them any further. I didn't get into any of the desserts yet though. I'm still hopeful that when they get back they can finish their dinner and we all might actually eat dessert together.

I laugh to myself after Chompy roasts my marshmallow on a stick.

"Thanks, cutie." I pet him gently, smiling at his adorable purr. I stick it between the two graham crackers and Hershey's bar.


Is everything ok?

You guys have
been gone for a while

I sigh and take a bite of my s'more. Chompy waddles off towards Ice Cream Kitty who's in her cooler and licking her fur– or, ice cream.

The movie playing on the TV is set to record. Maybe there can be some kind of Thanksgiving when they get back.

8:00 PM


So, you're still
alive, right?

The TV is on mute so I can listen to the holiday playlist I pulled up on Pandora, figuring I'll need some kind of distraction so I won't go crazy.

I pull a jacket around my shoulders since it's well after sunset and the lair's gotten pretty cold.

I would watch the movie that's recording but if they do return soon enough then I don't want to end up watching it twice.

Luckily, Kitty somehow actually knows how to play board games, so that's what we do to pass time. Playing checkers with a once stray now ice cream mutated cat is something I never thought I'd be doing. But here we are. And she's winning.

I never was that good at checkers.

Chompy waddles up to us, looking like he's having the time of his life as he looks at the game pieces and accidentally burns one out of excitement. Another giggle escapes my lips despite the situation. At least he's having fun.

9:00 PM

By now, the movie's over and I had to put Kitty back into the real freezer after a bit of a Chompy incident. I put the little alien turtle in his little playpen that Raph had made for him so when no one else could watch him he could stay entertained and couldn't wander off.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving plays in the background while I get up and make myself busy with packing up their unfinished plates of food that were left behind. I wouldn't be surprised if they were out there practically starving by now.

I decided to pack the rest the rest of the food as well, leaving out half of it since Mikey made two of everything, just in case anyone else wanted some when they got back. If they weren't totally exhausted by then.

9:30 PM

I lay on the couch, completely bored, and play with some random game pieces from the games that were laying around that we had planned to play. It wasn't much entertainment, or distraction.

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