🐢💙 The 4th of July 🎆

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"Come ooon!" You rushed your friends along, pulling the slow lollygaggers through the gate entrance by Leo's arm to the early July fair. It was the middle of summer, a warm but not scorching 82 degrees, and you had six living and breathing friends to actually drag along to the holiday carnival with you. Four of which had never enjoyed the pleasures of a long summer day spent eating carnival junk, riding death defying rides, and playing games for prizes you'll never use. And you personally had made a vow to show Leo all the wonderful indulgences of not only having fun at the fair, but having it with your best friends.

"Aren't you a little overly excited for some state fair?" Raph commented from the back.

"The state fair on the Fourth of July is one of the funnest events of the year! And you guys, who claim to be the masters of all things fun, don't get to keep your title until you've ridden every ride at a New York carnival."

"She's not wrong. A day at the carnival is one of the best memories you can have." April informs them with a nostalgic smile, the usual sap.

"Yeah. 'Cause being bumped around by sweaty drunken patriotic people was at the top of my to do list for this summer." Raph continued as he not so casually side stepped a glistening big-bellyed shirtless guy who nearly brushed arms with him as he passed by.

You stopped and whirled around, connecting equally challenging gazes with Raph. "Does your unwavering pessimism ever get jealous of your constant snark?"

"Occasionally but then I just tell it to grow a pair and get over it," he smirked back.

Casey leaned an arm on his shorter friend's shoulder. "Come on, Raph. Even you can't write off this place. They got bumper cars?"

"... Alright I'm in. Just know it's only because I get to kick your sorry butts."

"Great idea!" Mikey grinned mischievously, turning to the rest of you. "What better way could we kick this thing off than by finally running Raph over?"

"I'll take that challenge," he laughed with a scoff.

"Alright, bumper cars it is–"

"TO THE DEATH!" Casey screeched and took off running to the rink.

Leo's eyebrow raised and lips tugged upwards as the group followed after the maniac. "Is this what you had in mind?"

"Oh absolutely." You stopped and faced Leo completely, making him stop to stare at you, face as stoic as a drill sergeant. "Get your game face on, Captain. This will be the best day of your life."

Leo's attentive face morphed into an amused smirk. "Okay, now you are taking this too seriously." You just stood there, expression unflinching to show him just how serious you were. His smile slowly faded, then he cleared his throat. "Yes, ma'am."

You finally cracked a smile in triumph. Leo grinned as you grabbed his hand, and kissed your cheek before you could run off dragging him through the crowd again.

Needless to say, had those cars been any deadlier the battle would've been bloody. You all at first contemplated playing teams, but unanimously decided free for all once you got on the playing field, too excited to bother with sparing anyone. The fight was so excruciating children had to look away. Friend against friend. Brother against brother. No one was safe.

You yourself took pleasure in ramming into Leo before he got the chance to do the same to Donnie, knowing how he gets when his intense focus is broken. His look of huffy disappointment made you laugh maniacally and quickly drive away to target someone else. Despite their adventures in real patrol buggies and car chases in the Shellraiser, the boys still found driving the little cars into each other surprisingly fun. Especially when their competitive take-no-prisoners attitude kicked in. But you did eventually all turn on Raph who, let's face it, had it coming. You had backed him into a corner when you saw the opportunity, and what had to be done next was clear to all of you.

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