Execution Pt 2 (TaeJin)

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A/N Not my picture above, but I thought it was beautiful and wanted to use it, props to the artist. If they want me to take it down, I will. 🚫🚫Also this chapter might have a trigger for some, I tried to keep it very vague, but wanted to mention it.

Seokjin arrived at the prison with his fathers lawyer, who requested they be able to use one of the private meeting rooms. "Seokjin", his father says when he sees him, he breaks down crying in Jin's arms. "Papa, please sit, we need to talk", Seokjin says helping his father sit. "Why are you back here Seokjin, you shouldn't be here", Lee says between sobs. "Papa, I am here to save your life, and you are now going to be quiet and listen to me", he scolds his father. "I thank you for trying to protect me, you have always been an amazing father and because of you and your hard work I am becoming a doctor and I want to be an amazing father like you one day", Jin says running his hands thru his hair.

"But now its time to tell the truth, no more protecting me, I am an adult, I am stable and I am mentally and physically healthy Papa, I really am, its now time for me to protect you", Jin says, "I want you to see me get married, I want my kids to meet their grandfather, I want you to see me become a doctor."  His father tried to protest, but Seokjin wasn't listening, "Papa, I am going to the DA's office after this and I am telling the truth, and I am going to tell them that you are recanting your original confession", Seokjin stood up and kissed his fathers forehead, "look at me Papa, promise me you will finally tell the truth." "I promise Seokjin, I promise", he says sounding defeated.

After he left the prison Seokjin called Taehyung and asked if they could meet, Taehyung suggested a park nearby and that is where Seokjin will confess the truth to Taehyung. "Hi", Taehyung says smiling at Jin, Jin stood and hugged Taehyung, "what is it about you Taehyungie, I cant get you out of my head, I dont want to leave you alone", Jin says. "So dont, I feel the same way, last night I felt we had such a strong connection, its really hard to deny what's goin on between us", Tae says. "Before we can pursue us, I need to talk to you and have you ask for my fathers sentence to be overturned", Jin says. "Seokjin, you know that won't be easy, unless you have new evidence", Tae says. "Sit Taehyungie, I have much to tell", Jin says.

"My father killed that man because of me, I don't know how much you knew about him but he was my fathers best friend, for six years that man molested me and threatened me if I told my dad", Jin takes a deep shaky breath. Taehyung was stunned, and his heart ached for Jin holding his hand and bringing it to his lips. "When I was old enough I told my dad that someone was bothering me and that I wanted to go to the states to study, he worked very hard to send me, and was upset when I wouldn't tell him who it was", Jin sighed, "I was doing a rotation at the hospital when my father called me and told me what happened." 

"Taehyung I don't know what story he told you, but the truth is, that man and my father were hanging out drinking that night, the man got drunk and told my father everything he did to me, my father snapped and killed him, you can't condemn a man for wanting protect his son, I will take the stand if I need to, I have my doctors and my therapists records proving what happened." Taehyung let out a breath he was holding and He wrapped his arms around Jin's neck. Jin held Tae close to him, closing his eyes and actually breathing in his scent. He calms his heart and his soul, this amazing man is exactly what Jin has been looking for. Jin's father met with the District Attorney, Tae, Jin and his lawyer to give his true statement, Tae pressed record on the camera and Kim Lee finally told the truth about what happened that night...

"We sat around drinking, talking about school days, I noticed that he was getting pretty wasted. He told me he had raped one of our classmates back in college, I was stunned, but then when I thought it couldn't get worse he told me that he almost raped my wife, but that Seokjin interrupted them. He said he got angry at Jin and took it out in him, he said of all the kids he did things too, Jin was his favorite. I snapped, I don't even remember jumping on him and hitting him, all I saw was blind rage, after I figured out what I did I called Jin telling him what happened, and he confirmed everything, I couldn't let my son's name be drug thru the mud, he was studying to be a doctor. So when the police questioned me I told them I killed him over money he owed me, so that they would never know about Jin and what he went thru. The videotapes I found in his house are under the floorboards of my house, he taped everything he did to Jin and those other kids.

Taehyung grabbed Jin's hand under the table and squeezed, Jin looked pale, and Taehyung was worried Jin would relapse hearing all of this. "Get those videos into evidence, I will start the paperwork to have Mr. Kim's conviction overturned immediately", the DA told Taehyung. So Jin took Tae and two uniformed officers to his dads house and showed him where they were hidden. Taehyung made Jin go back to his hotel and rest while him and the DA along with Lee's lawyer watched the video tapes. Taehyung was sick to his stomach, bile rising in his throat, he couldn't watch the scenes with Jin, "excuse me", Tae says getting up and walking out of the office, walking out of the building, and walking into Jin's hotel. He knocked on his door and when Jin answered Taehyung tackled him, holding him tightly, crying into his shoulder. "Babe what's wrong", Jin asks concerned. "I'm so sorry Jin, I am so sorry he did that to, but I'm here now and I am going to protect you, protect you from bad people and from the videos getting out to the public", Tae sobs.

Jin chuckled and hugged Tae tighter, "my own bodyguard, I can handle that", he lifts Tae's head up to look at him, "who are you Mr. Kim", Jin asks kissing him deeply. "Hopefully the love of your life", Tae says blushing. Jin laughs, "I can handle that too."


Kim Lee's conviction was overturned and was sentenced to time served, the videotapes were put into evidence and the family of the children in the videos were contacted and told what happened. Jin finished his residency in Chicago and moved back to Korea to start his life with Taehyung, Lee was not only able to see his son become a doctor, but he was there to see him get married to Taehyung and he got to be there for all his grandbabies births. 

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