My High School Crush Pt 3 (TaeJin)

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🚫🚫This chapter might be a trigger for some, death is mentioned, so I wanted to just give a heads up just in case. 


I drove to the hospital and met Yoongi and Jimin in the waiting room, "what happened, I am so sorry I wasn't there", I said sobbing, "I am so stupid, I let Taehyung humiliate me again when I should have been with Dal, I am so sorry", I threw myself into Yoongi's arms sobbing. "Jin, please dont blame yourself, you have been with Dal almost everyday for the past 6 months, you needed time away, I am sorry Taehyung hurt you again, do you want to talk about it", Jimin asks rubbing my back. "What happened to Dal, I dont care about Taehyung and I definitely dont want to waste my time talking about him, what happened", I ask again. "He collapsed, we aren't sure why, he ate really good, and he slept, but coming into the living to watch movies with us he just collapsed", Yoongi says. "We are waiting for the doctor to tell us what is happening", Jimin says.

We sat there for over an hour, I couldn't get a hold of Hobi, he wasn't answering my texts or my calls. Finally the doctor came out, "Jin you are here", he says hugging me. "Please tell me what's going on", I beg. "Jin please sit, I am glad that Yoongi and Jimin are here with you, where is Hoseok", he asks. "I dont know, he isn't answering my calls.", I say. "Jin, it seems Dal's body has decided that it has had enough and is shutting down, his organs are shutting down, so it wont be long now", He says holding my hand. I let out a loud wail, I didn't even know it was me who did it, its sounded so far away and so sad.

"Jin, it could be hours it could be days only he knows that for sure, he is sleeping right now and may not wake up, but there is chance that he might, so we have him comfortable in a private room that will allow you to stay with him", the doctor keeps telling me these lies, why is he lying to me, Dal isn't going anywhere, they have been wrong before, they are wrong now. I am numb, I cant move, I cant hear, I cant speak, I want to scream till my lungs hurt, I want to scream till I black out and never wake up, he is my life, what is my life without him in it. I smell something horrible, and I shake my head, "Jin, can you hear me", the doctor says. "Yes", I say. "I used smelling salts on you, you weren't responding, come with me, lets go see Dal", he pulls me up and Yoongi has to help walk me to the room.


I cant believe I am sitting on a plane going to god knows where, my manager was pissed because I told everybody on stage last night that I had a crush on a boy, that's a no no in our industry. I have no way of getting a hold of Seokjin, and I cant get a hold of Namjoon to get Hobi's number either. I pull at my hair, he probably thinks I left him, oh god, what if he thinks only bad things about me, I love him and I cant even tell him. We land in Thailand a few hours later, I have a concert scheduled for the next day and I am not even looking forward to it, I just want to go back to Korea and back to Jin. I throw myself on my bed in my hotel room and keep trying to get a hold of either Namjoon or Jungkook, I am getting frustrated and I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.

I must have been tired because I woke and the sun was out, it is morning, I slept all night, jet lag must have kicked in. I hear a knock at my door and when I answer it I am in for quite a surprise. "Where the fuck have you guys been, and why are you here", I say to Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hobi. "We were on a flight later than yours and Hobi is with me now", Namjoon says. "Hobi I need you to get a hold of Jin, I need to explain to him what happened", I beg. "My phone died hours ago Tae, let me charge it then we can call him, what happened", he asks. "We went back to my hotel room after dinner, I finally had my Seokjin in my arms and in my bed, he tried to tell me that he didn't want to interfere with my career, but he is more important than anything else in my life, but he wouldn't listen", I say sitting on the bed, "the next morning my manager called me down and made me leave right then and there, leaving Jin upstairs, he will think I just left him Hobi, I need to talk to him."

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