A day in the life... (JinKook)

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A/N Not my art above, but it's such amazing work I want to show the artist some love, if they want me to remove it, I will. This story is strictly fictional (or is it 😮, Just kidding).


"Jungkookie...Jungkookie...Jungkookie", I say rubbing my hand up and down his back. I woke with him in my arms, I love these mornings more than anything. "Go back to sleep Jin-Hyung", He says sleepily and hugging me tighter. I can't help but to giggle at his cuteness, "Kook-ah I could stay here and hold you all day but we have to get up, we have to be at the dorm pretty soon", I whisper into his hair kissing his head. He groans, slipping his hand up under my shirt rubbing my chest, making my breath hitch. 

"How did you sleep beautiful", he asks me. "I always sleep great when I have my muscle bunny in my arms, I love the nights we can sleep at our own apartments and not in the dorms", I kiss the top of his head again. He lifts his head and scoots up closer to me, "Good morning Hyungie", he kisses me, sucking on my bottom lip, trying to push his tongue into my mouth. I give him access and our tongues immediately fight for dominance, Jungkook's morning breath is the only morning breath I don't mind tasting. 

We showered together and while Jungkook finishes getting ready I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast, and coffee, we definitely need coffee. He came down and wrapped his arms around me while I finished cooking, "I love you beautiful", he whispers into my ear. I look over my shoulder at him, "don't say it if you don't mean it Kook-ah", I scold. "I mean it Hyung, I'm so in love with you", he kisses my neck. I finish breakfast and give him his plate and cup of coffee, I take mine and sit at the kitchen island, "no reciprocation to my statement", he says while chewing.

 "You know how I feel Jungkook, I'm just a little hesitant to say it, because it makes it to real", I say. He drops his fork, "is this not real for you Hyung, am I being a fool for loving you", he says sadly. "Jungkook, you know I love you with all my heart and yes part of me is terrified that something or someone is going to rip you away from me, whether it be our families, Big Hit, or someone younger who can steal your heart", I stand grabbing my plate trying not to shed tears, I don't cry a lot, but for him I will easily, because I know people criticize our age difference, and I know he can find someone younger.


I grab my plate and follow him into the kitchen setting it in the sink, I take his hand and bring him close to me, holding him, I hear him sniffle. "Please don't cry Hyungie, I am not going anywhere, when are you going to understand that there will never ever be anyone else, I have loved you for way to long to ever stop now, and it didn't help that you kept me at arms length till I turned 20, so I lost 5 years of not being able to show you how much I love you and want you, but I finally got you and I am not letting go", I kissed him deeply, pushing him against the counter. "You are mine Hyung, and I am yours", I slide my hands down the back of pants and squeeze his cute little ass, "and this is only mine too." He giggles, kissing me again, "We have to go babe, you go first and Ill meet you there, so it doesn't look obvious", he says. I nod, grabbing his chin so he looks at me, "I love you so much." "I love you too Jungkookie", he kisses my  nose. 

I get to the dorm and Tae and RM are there scrolling thru their phones, "Hey Jungkookie", RM says. "Hey Hyung, where is everybody else", just then Jin walked in. "Jimin and Hobi are still getting ready", he says looking at Jin. "Morning Jin-Hyung", Tae says. "Morning Joon, Morning Voo", he says walking closer to me. "Good Morning Jungkookie", he winks and walks into the kitchen. "Morning Hyung", I smile at his back. Hobi and Jimin walk into the room, "manager said the van is outside and we should get going." "Ill grab Jin", I say walking into the kitchen and taking him in my arms and kissing him, "you better behave today my naughty Hyung." He smiles, "what fun would that be my little Maknae", he says squeezing my ass. 

We pile into the van, Jin is sitting between me and Tae, I have to keep an eye on them because Tae gets a little to touchy for my liking and I swear he does it on purpose to make me jealous, the other members know that I have feelings for Jin, they just don't know that Jin and I are together and it sucks when I have to hold my tongue. Yoongi is still rehabbing his shoulder so he wont be there today, it has been just the six of us for a few weeks now. We have a run episode to film and then an interview later on with MTV, then we should be done, I like the early nights, then Jin and I can go home and cook together and relax. When we get to the place we are filming I make sure to stay close to Jin, once the crew has us go thru hair and make up, they tell us to sit and wait for the game to be explained.


Jungkook makes sure to sit next me, but isn't happy that Tae is again on the other side of me, we play a couple games of Who's lying, then they make us play the harmonica and have the others guess the song. I'm trying to flirt with Jungkook by playing with the rip in his jeans but he is getting annoyed with me, I cant help but laugh because he keeps slapping my hands away. We played one or two more games and then they had us move to another room to play red light green light, and again Jungkook made sure to sit by me, we were having fun until...

When we got back to the dorms everybody said good bye to each other and went their separate ways, Jungkook didn't say anything to anyone, he got into his car right from the Van and left, he didn't even sit next to me in the van. He gets so upset whenever Taehyung messes around with me, he knows Voo does it to get under his skin, he likes to see Jungkook squirm. Oh well, I guess Ill be alone tonight, I walk into my apartment and head upstairs to take a shower and get comfortable. I made dinner and put the extra's in fridge in case he does show up, I then sat on the couch and picked a movie to watch. With anyone else I would be texting them to see if they are okay, but my little Maknae wouldn't answer till next month if at all anyway. I put my empty plate on the table and laid down on the couch, missing him, I wish he would talk to me instead of walking away. 

I woke to someone rubbing my hair, "Jungkookie", I whispered. "Hi babe", he says. I sat up and scooted away from him, "what time is it", I asked sleepily. "3am", he says playing with his fingers. "3am, seriously Jungkook", I try to stand but he pulls me on his lap. "I'm sorry Hyung, I didn't mean to stay out so long, I just wanted to cool off before coming home because I don't want to fight with you", he says squeezing me in an embrace. "We wouldn't have fought babe, what are you so upset about, you know Tae always tries to annoy you", I ask confused. "Seokjin, he kissed you, it wasn't a cute little side hug, or his arm around your waist, which I hate by the way, but a kiss, that was hard to watch, it broke my heart, he's never crossed that line before", he said getting angry. I pulled him into my arms, "I am so sorry Kook-ah, I shouldn't have egged him on, I was just trying to be cute for ARMY, I knew you were upset by the look on your face and your demeanor afterward, and I hate I couldn't console you and tell you that I was sorry", I say resting my head on his shoulder. 


"We knew going into this it would be hard, but I know its worth it, and I will take hard as long as its with you", I say kissing his temple. "I think I was more upset that Taehyung doesn't care, if he wants to do it, he does it, he has the courage I never will", I pout, "I stand next to you on stage and your scent and your beauty and the way the crowd just loves you drives me crazy and I want to touch you, I have to touch you in some way shape or form, I'm addicted to you Seokjin and I'm sorry for being so jealous and possessive, I laugh when ARMY says I look like an angry bunny when someone touches my Jin-Hyung, because its true", he giggles and I hold him tighter to me. "I love you Kim Seokjin, and I always will, you are stuck with me forever", I say with my biggest best bunny smile I know he loves so much. Jin's smile melts my heart, his eyes and nose crinkle and his cheeks get puffy, I love it, "I love you too my little Jealous bunny, and its you who are stuck with me", he winks

"Lets go to bed"

The end

Just a cute little story that popped in my head at 2 o'clock this morning, and to my TaeJinners, you know I love you and you know I love Taejin, so this was in no way throwing shade at Tae for the Jin kiss, I loved it too, but we all know Jungkookie didn't 😈🐰


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