My Former Student (JinKook)

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A/N Not my artwork above, props to the artist its amazing, if you want me to remove I will.


My 20 year High School reunion, I cant believe it, I feel so old. I am standing against a pillar watching people walk by, saying hi to old classmates and reminiscing when I see certain people. "Jungkook", I turn to see Kim fucking Taehyung, "Holy shit, Tae what's going on." We hug, "damn Kook whats it been like 15 years since we saw each other, you look great", he says. "So do you, what have you been up to, you were married last time we spoke", I say. "Yea Married with two kids", he says. "Wow two, is your wife here", I ask. "No, she had to go to her mom for the weekend, she has taken ill, I brought my oldest son with me, he's here somewhere", Tae says looking around. "Are you still teaching", he asks. "Yea I teach over at the Seoul Arts High School now", I say. "No shit, when did you start there, Ive never seen you, my oldest went there", Tae asks. "I started there about 5 years ago", I said. "He graduated last year, oh here he comes", Tae says waving someone over.

"Seokjin", I say surprised. "Mr. Jeon", he says with a big smile on his face, "you went to school with my dad, that's awesome, dad this is the teacher I was telling you was my favorite", he says looking at me again. "Small world, huh Kook", Tae says. "Uh, yea small world", I say trying to calm my nerves. "Oh dad, mom called me she wants you to call her right away", Seokjin says handing his dad his phone. "Ill be back, let me see what she wants", he says walking away. "Jungkook, I had no idea you knew my dad, we only have a few minutes till he figures out I was lying", he says looking adorable as ever. "Seokjin, I cant believe you are Tae's son", I say moving closer to him. "Im mad at you Kookie", Jin pouts, "you didnt call me after graduation like you promised." "Im sorry Jin, I just felt like maybe we werent a good idea, I mean we only shared a kiss, so I didnt think it would go farther", I said. "Jungkook, I don't care about your age, I never have, I knew what I was doing when I fell for you and i behaved myself the best I could while you were my teacher, but you arent my teacher anymore", he says.

"You aren't my student anymore, but you are my friends son, how can we", I say getting upset. I like Jin a lot, probably more than I should, but the two years I had him in my class he really grew on me, I didn't see an age difference at all between us, he is very mature and I can act like a teenager, so we compliment each other really well. "Seokjin, your mother didn't ask me to call her", Tae says walking back up to us. "Oh sorry dad, maybe I miss understood her", he says looking innocent. He was always good at looking innocent, but I know he is far from it, even though we only kissed the one time, he would be naughty in class when the other kids weren't paying attention. He used to look at me thru his eyelashes and when I would make eye contact he would like his lips, or bite his bottom lip, god that drove me crazy. A few times he would ask a question bringing me to his desk and he would run his hand up and down the back of my thighs just subtly grazing my balls, he would have me so hard some days, I couldnt get up from my desk.


My heart is doing back hand springs right now, My Kookie is right here in front of me finally, I was so upset at him after graduation, he promised he would call me and he never did. I know the age difference sometimes bothers him, but I don't care, he is everything I have ever wanted and more, I just need to make him realize that I am all he will ever need. "Jungkook, come over on Friday and spend the weekend with us, we can BBQ and swim, I would love for you to meet my wife and other son, we have plenty of room and I know Seokjin would love to show you his art studio and some of the paintings he's done", my dad says. "Id like that Tae, thank you, give me your phone and Ill save my number, you can text me what time and the address", Jungkook says. He cant take his eyes off me and I love it, god I remember that day in his classroom when he kissed me, I wanted him to take my virginity right then and there, fuck he can kiss. He had me pushed against his desk, I felt him grinding his huge cock on me and I totally lost my mind.

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