My Daddy (TaeJin)

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I'm on the phone with my ex-wife, again she is bitching at me for no reason, biggest mistake of my life was going on a date with her and knocking her up, next thing I know I am standing at the alter with her dad pointing a shot gun at me from the front row. We lasted 14 years, I couldn't stand being with her anymore, she controlled everything and all I was to her was a punching bag, a pretty face and a wallet, now she has the freedom to hang around he snotty friends and sign my alimony checks. 

My daughter is now 22 and she finally put her foot down telling her mother that she isn't going to college but wants to move back home with me and help me run my bakery. To say I was surprised is an understatement, my ex turned my daughter against me for most of her young life, but when she turned 16 she started calling and Face Timing me almost everyday. I did my best to be a good father to her, but no matter what I did, her mother found fault in it and bad mouthed me. Now my daughter is on the way here to live with me and work with me, I can't wait, I'm so happy she wants to learn the business.

My ex told me about 40 times not to forget my daughter comes in tomorrow night, she just does not know when to quit, one reason I left was the nagging, she was never happy, and neither was I. The next afternoon after I left the bakery, I stopped at the store to pick up some of her favorite foods, the cabinets are usually empty at my house because I am always at work. As I am checking out I notice a gorgeous guy standing at another check out line, I am standing there staring, "Ahem, anything else sir", the cashier says, and he must have heard her because he looked up at me and smiled. I shook myself out of my thoughts, "oh sorry, no I'm good, thank you." 

I grab my bags and turn to leave. "Excuse me", I hear the sweetest voice say, when I turn to look it's him. "You look familiar to me, but I can't place where I've seen you before, but you are very handsome, would you like to get a drink with me sometime", he asks. I'm envious of how bold he is, it's quite a turn on. "I've lived here my whole life, so I'm sure you have seen me around, I'm Taehyung", I hold my hand out. "I'm Seokjin", he takes my hand and holds it, it's so soft and delicate, like porcelain. Our eyes meet once again and I can't deny the instant attraction between us, "I would love to get a drink with you sometime", I say. "Here take my phone and put your number in, I'll text you a time and place", he says rubbing his thumb over my hand. I take his phone, having to pull my hand out of his, and not liking the loss I felt.


Damn that man was fine, and he is older than me which I love, I have always had a Daddy kink and that man could totally fulfill my fantasies. I wasn't kidding when I told him he looked familiar, but I really can't remember where I've seen him. I am heading home to change, my best friend from grade school is finally come back home and I'm meeting her for drinks at the bar in town. We met when I moved here in the 5th grade, we instantly became friends, then in the 9th grade her parents divorced and she moved away with her mom, but we still kept in touch.

I can't get the image of Tae out of my head, when I get home I can't help myself but to text him...

SJ - Hey gorgeous, I couldn't stop thinking about you and I wanted to text to see if you are free tomorrow night for drinks.

TH - Hi beautiful, I'm free, I'd love to meet for drinks, I'd love getting to know you even more.

My heart skipped a beat and I've never felt this way about anyone. I take a shower and finish getting ready, waiting for my friends text.

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