My Former Teacher (TaeJin)

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It's my little brothers first day of High school and I am dropping him off before going to work. I graduated 2 years ago and decided not to go to college, I did a year abroad and then came back to work in my dads company. "Bye Tae-Hyung, thanks for the ride", my little brother Mickey says. After he for got out and shut the door, I went to pull away when someone walked in front of my car. I was wide eyed, "holy shit, Mr. Kim", I say drooling at the man in front of me. I heard he left to teach in the states, well this is going to be a very interesting school year.

I pulled into the parking lot at work and walking to my office I see my best friend, "Mochi, you are never going to believe who I saw this morning", I say with a smirk on my face. "Its someone good by the look on your face", he says laughing. "Mr. Kim", I say. "No shit, seriously, I thought he left, did you see him when you dropped Mickey off", he asked. I nodded, "and I am going to pick him up too." "Taehyung what are you thinking", Jimin says intrigued. "I want him Moch, I have wanted him since Junior year when he walked into our classroom without a care in the world, not realizing he turned my world upside down", I say smiling. I still have to wonder though if I am the reason he left.


I cant believe I am back, I spent 2 years in the states teaching under privileged kids, it was an amazing experience. "SEOKJIN", I turn to see Namjoon coming toward me, "you are back." I hug him, "Hi Joon, yea I just got back a few days ago, I missed this place." "We missed you, wait till Hobi hears you are back, come on Ill take you to your new classroom, they have upgraded a lot of things since you been gone, who's your first class", he asks. "I think its a freshman class, so we will all be new together", I laugh. "Wow these rooms look great", I say walking around, throwing my bag on my desk. "I better get going Jin, Ill let Hobi know you are back, and Ill see you at lunch", he waved good bye and I start setting up my classroom. I walked to the office to pick all the paperwork I will need, list of students and my attendance book, then to the teachers lounge for coffee.

I hear the bell ring and I open my door awaiting my students, I teach Biology and I have been told that I am fun teacher, so hopefully my students this year will think so. The students start entering my classroom and I smile and greet them, some of them look at me like most people do, they see my handsome face and are rendered speechless. The late bell rings and I close the door, but then I feel a push against it, when I open it I see a very handsome boy walk in. "I am so sorry Mr. Kim, I was in the washroom, I spilled juice on my pants", he said smiling and I almost passed out, that oh so familiar smile. "It's okay, have a seat and we will get started, Hi class I am Mr. Kim, I have been teaching about 4 years now, two of those years I taught in the US and it was an wonderful experience", I say, "so lets go around the room, tell me your name and a little something about yourself."

As the kids stood one by one, one in particular held my interest and when it was his turn I held my breath,  "Hi I'm Kim Min-ki, but my friends and family call me Mickey, you all can too, I prefer it actually, Biology is my favorite subject, and now Mr. Kim is already my favorite teacher", he says smiling at me again, "a lot of the teachers know my big brother and his group of friends, so they keep telling me don't be like him and Ill be alright." It has to be, last name Kim, that boxy smile, and the "you wish you had me" grin, "Mickey, who is your brother, I don't know if I know him", I say a bit nervous. "Kim Taehyung is my brother", he said proudly. I just smile and nod, "next student, go ahead." My mind raced, as the last of the kids introduced themselves, the way Mickey is looking at me, he is definitely a mini version of Taehyung, he used to look at me the same way, like I am lunch.


I park my car in the school parking lot to pick up Mickey, I walk into the school gate and stand in the common area waiting till I see him, I am getting looks from all these cute little high school kids, but little do they know I have my heart set on a certain teacher. "Mickey", I call him when I see him. "Tae-Hyung, you here to pick me up", he asks running over to me. "Yea, how was your first day", I ask him, "any interesting teachers." "Oh Hyung, Mr. Kim, my biology teacher is drop dead gorgeous, I cant even concentrate in his class", Mickey says licking his lips. "I had Mr. Kim as a teacher to", I say. "Really, he says he doesn't remember you", Mickey says confused. "Did he now, where is Mr. Kim's class, I think I need to refresh his memory", I ask Mickey as he points the way, "stay here Ill be right back."

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