The Contract (TaeJin)

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Somewhere in a big city...

"Mr. Min I have however much money you need to get this done, please I need your best man on this", the frantic person begs Yoongi. "I have the best men, but I need a good reason for you wanting your spouse dead, and it better be good because I don't send my guys out for some bitter partner having a panic attack over a cheating spouse", Yoongi says sitting back in his chair. "I'm past being bitter Mr. Min, this person has abused me mentally and physically, they are cheating and have stole money from my family to pay for their whores, and doesn't even know I know, we play the happy family for our child,  I refuse to sit back and watch them divorce me so that they can live a guilt free life, I'm done Mr. Min, I am so done, I just want this person gone", the person says crying angry tears.

Min Yoongi calls his best guy and gives him the details of what needs to be done, where it needs to be done and how it needs to be done. "Okay boss, text me a picture and location so I know who I am looking for", he says. 

In another part of the city...

"Mr. Jung you have to understand how a person's pride can be crushed when their spouse is constantly cheating and stealing my money so that they can buy their various one stands gifts and paying for hotel rooms, and they don't even know I know,  its degrading playing nice at home for my child's sake, I am a laughing stock", the angry person paces around Hoseok's office. "We can help you, but its gonna cost you, probably more than a divorce", Hoseok jokes. "My Spouse will rape me in court Mr. Jung, between alimony and child support Ill be broke, whatever you charge me will be far less than what I will pay for years to come, so please just tell me a price and lets gets this ball rolling, the sooner they is gone, the better", the person says finally sitting down.

Jung Hoseok calls his number one guy giving him the details of his new target, "Friday night, Ill text you a picture so you know what they look like, and the place they will be at." "Got it boss, Ill be there", he says.

Later that day...

"Hi Appa", the cutest little boy on the planet says walking into the kitchen. "Hi booger, did you have a nice nap", he asks. The little boy nods. "Appa is making dinner, are you hungry", he asks the little boy. "Very hungry Appa, where's Daddy", he asks. "He is still at work, he should be home soon", he rolls his eyes. 

"I'm home", the man yells walking in the door. "Daddy", the little boy jumps in his arms. "Hey Booger, I missed you today, did you miss me", his daddy asks. "I missed you so much Daddy, Appa is making dinner", the little boy says wiggling out of his dad's arms. "Is he now, is smells amazing as usual", the man kisses his husbands cheek. "I'm going to shower, then Ill be down to eat", the man removes his coat and tie and heads upstairs, the other man scoffs and goes back to finishing dinner.

The little family sat around the table eating, laughing at the silly boy playing with his peas. "Can you be here Friday night with him, I have plans", he asks his husband. "I cant I have to work late, can you change your plans", he asks. "No, I cant, Ill ask Jimin and Namjoon to watch him, I shouldn't be out to late", he gets up taking the empty plates to the kitchen. The other man rubs his hands over his face, "come on booger, lets go give you a bath", he picks his son up and they head upstairs. 

Friday night...

"Thank you Jiminie for keeping booger for me, I really cant miss this date tonight", the man says hugging his friend. "Does your husband know what you are doing", Jimin asks worriedly. "Oh hell no, and he can never know, he would never understand", he says sadly. "I really have to go Jiminie, I wont be out long, I promise", he says turning to leave. When he arrived at the destination he was actually a bit early, so he figured he would scope out the place before getting ready.

The other man left work, driving to the destination where the event will take place, he has all the information he needs and hopes this all goes smoothly. He makes his way upstairs with his baby, no matter how many times he does this he still gets butterflies, and the guilt he feels in his heart if his spouse ever found out, kills him every time. Once he reaches the floor he walks in the door, "come baby, just one more time", he whispers. 


The couple are enjoying dinner at a fancy restaurant, talking and laughing  acting like everything is wonderful between them, not knowing what the other knows After they pay the bill they, lock arms and walk out into the brisk night air.

Way up high, where no one can see, calming breathes are being taken, steady hands are holding on to cold steel, the wind wont play a factor because they are professionals and have done this dozens of times over the years. Targets walk out and are spotted, they didn't think in a million years their spouse would be next to them, but they thought it would be a good alibi. Now they must be careful and take into the consideration wind speed, they don't need it drifting to much. 

Silence cuts thru the night like a knife, two people arm in arm standing in front of a restaurant fall dead. People scream, the gunmen are confused, why did the other fall. They pull their sniper rifles back in and lean out the window to see what happened, they both notice movement and turn to see each other, two pairs of beautiful brown eyes go wide when they see each other. 



They just stared at each other, not knowing what to do or say to each other, their hearts are racing and neither will it admit they are completely turned on. Taehyung leaves the window, leaving Seokjin to worry that he fucked up, but before he can think straight two arms envelope him and turn him around, pushing him to the wall and kissing him with fervor and passion, his kiss has never been this heated, and they both moan. 

Soon they are both naked from the waist down, Taehyung lifts Seokjin leaning him against the wall and entering him in swift motion, making Seokjin scream out with pleasure. Taehyung pounding into him like a beast, adrenaline pumping thru their veins, Seokjin screams out as his orgasm slams into him and cum covers Taehyung's chests, driving Taehyung mad with passion and lust, he cant get enough of this beautiful man, he cant get deep enough, he just wants to crawl inside and stay there. Finally Taehyung 's body is rocked by a powerful orgasm, he holds Seokjin close to his body as he rides out the aftershocks.

"Fuck Seokjin, how long, please tell me how long", Taehyung begs. "About 5 years", Seokjin says with guilt straining his voice, "how long have you." "About the same", Taehyung admits. "Are you disappointed in me", Seokjin asks grabbing Taehyung's cheeks after he sets his feet on the ground. "No, just surprised as I am sure you are too", he says flashing his beautiful smile. "I'm actually very turned on right now, because you are sexy as fuck dressed in your gear, and that was the best sex we have ever had, and that's saying a lot, because our sex life is already phenomenal", Seokjin says kissing Taehyung deeply. Taehyung lifts Seokjin back when his erection returns and they go at it again, not as carnal this time, but just as fucking good. 

"Lets go get Booger, I told Jimin I wouldn't be long, then when we get home we have a lot to talk about", Seokjin says. "After we fuck again of course, because you are so fucking sexy right now", Taehyung growls. "I love you babe, so much", Seokjin says. "I love you too my beautiful husband, you are my whole world", Taehyung says grabbing Seokjin's hand and walking downstairs together and out into the cool crisp night. 

The End

Just a little something that came to me!! Hope you liked it, love you guys 💜💜💜 

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