Summer Vacation (JinKook)

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"Your finally home Jinnie, god I missed you this summer, how was Hawaii", Jimin asked when he came over to my house. "It was really nice Mochi, I bought you a whole bunch of souvenirs", I say handing him a bag full of gifts. "Wow thanks Jin, this is so awesome, so tell me what you did, who was that hot guy you sent me a pic of", he asks jumping on my bed. My heart broke all over again with that question, "that was Jungkook, I met him at a beach party, him and his family were on vacation too", I say putting my clothes away. "Do tell, come on Jinnie dont hold out on me", Jimin begs.


"Jin, your cousin is here, come say hi", my mom called up to me. "Hey Hoseok, its been awhile", I say hugging him. I take him up to my room and we hang out watching Netflix, "want to go with me to a Beach party tonight", he asks. "Yea that sounds like fun", I say excited. After dinner we said good by to my parents and left for the party. There was a lot of people there, Hoseok introduced me to a few of his friends, they were all really nice, not gonna lie I got hit on a lot, so after dancing with Hobi for awhile I had to walk away and actually get some air. I walked down the beach, letting the water run over my feet, then in an instant my life changed forever. 

"Hi", I heard a voice say behind me. "Oh god you scared me", I say turning around and not being able to breathe. The guy standing there was absolutely gorgeous, and his smile melted my heart, "Hi", I finally say. "I am sorry for scaring you, I saw you leave the party and I can understand why, they wouldn't leave you alone", he laughs, "I shouldn't say anything, I almost approached you myself, you are very beautiful ya know." Luckily he couldn't see my ears, because they were on fire, "thank you, you are very handsome also, I wish you would have approached, I wouldn't have turned you away", I giggle.

We walked down the beach, talking and laughing, sometimes not saying a word but we got along so well and we had a lot in common. He is originally from Korea but lives in the states where is dad works, he has family that lives here on the island, so they visit once and awhile for the summer. We spent the whole night together, we sat on the beach and looked at the moon reflect off the water, then we went to an all night Ramen bar and we talked some more. I have never talked so much in my life, that night turned into days, there wasn't a day we didn't spend together.

 Then before we knew it, days turned into weeks, and I was falling in love with him when I knew I shouldn't, because when it was over I'd never see him again. Then it happened, my parents were going away for the weekend with my Aunt and Uncle, so I invited Jungkook over to keep me company, I made him dinner and we watched movies. We have made out a few times, god can he kiss, well while we watched movies we got into a really hot make out session and it escalated quickly. We went to my room, not even breaking the kiss, clothes came off and the next thing I know I am on my bed and Jungkook is looking down at me.

 "Are you a virgin", he asks. I nod shyly. "Me too", he says. "I have condoms and lube in my top drawer, if you want to grab them", I say. "Jinnie, do you want me to be your first", he asks with hope in his voice. "Do you want me to be your first", I giggle. "I wouldn't want anyone else, he says kissing my forehead. "Me either", I whisper. He gets up and goes to my dresser, "this isn't going to be very good, seeing I have no clue what I am doing", Jungkook says smirking. "We'll teach each other, because I won't be very good either", I laugh.

He laid me back down and started kissing me again, deeper this time, needier. I couldn't get enough of him, he thrusted his hips rubbing his erection on mine, our moans were loud, he trailed kisses down my throat to my chest while he kept dry humping me. "Jungkook-ah, oh god, that feels so good." I grabbed his ass and ground his cock harder into mine. "I'm going to cum Jin, gimme a second, he stopped moving and took a couple breaths, I kept kissing his chest and his neck. He sat on his knees and rolled the condom on, pouring lube in his hand and rubbing it on his cock. 

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