My High School Crush (TaeJin)

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"Jin, you are not going to believe what I just won on the radio", Hobi says running into the living room. I am sitting on the couch next to my baby brother, making sure he takes his medicine. "What did you win Hobi", I ask really uninterested. "Front row tickets to V's concert", he says excitedly. I looked at him in disbelief, "V, as in Kim Taehyung", I ask annoyed. "Yes, that exact V", he says smiling. Kim Taehyung was my high school crush, he knew I had a thing for him and he acted like a complete asshole, rumors swirled that he liked me too, but he never acted on it. He did everything possible to humiliate me, so excuse me if I am not excited to know that the asshole of high school is now an asshole K-pop idol. "What do you want me to say Hobi, YAY!!", I say sarcastically waving my hands in the air, "you know he's prolly still an asshole, probably an even bigger one now, you have fun."

"I want you to go with me, I want you to show Kim Taehyung how much you have grown and how fucking hot you are now, let him see what he missed out on", Hobi says. "I wouldn't give him the satisfaction, fuck him", I say scoffing. "You should go Hyung", my brother says. "I'm not leaving you alone Dal, especially to flaunt my fine ass in front of that dumb ass", I say laughing, cracking myself up. "Please Jin, Jimin and Yoongi will stay with Dal, please don't make me go alone", he begs. "Is this because of Namjoon", I ask curiously. "Okay maybe, I heard him and Jungkook are Tae's assistants, please Jinnie, I'll do anything you ask", he whines. I roll my eyes, "I'll think about it, but no promises". I say.

"Go with him Hyung, please don't worry about me, Jimin and Yoongi are good at looking after me, Yoongi cooks almost as good as you", he says. I rub his bald head, my little brother has a rare form of cancer, it's incurable, so I stay by him every minute. Hobi, Jimin and Yoongi help me run my restaurant while I stay with Dal. The four of us grew up together, they were there when Dal was born, and they were there when he was diagnosed. He is my whole world, our parents passed away 4 years ago shortly after I graduated High School , I have taken care of Dal ever since.

"Fine Hobi, I will go, when is it", I ask rubbing Dal's head while he sleeps on my lap. "Tomorrow night at the Sol Theater", he says reading the email he got. "The Sol, that's a private venue, it's small", I say. "Yea it's a limited engagement, only like 25 people will be there", he says. I look down at Dal, my handsome little brother, he's warm today I hope he isn't getting a fever, he was diagnosed 2 years ago, and has surpassed all the doctors time limits put on his life. He is my hero and my best friend and my life has been better with him in it. I lift him and carry him to his room, laying him down and covering him up, I kiss his forehead and head downstairs to make dinner.

"I texted Jimin and Yoongi and asked them to take care of Dal tomorrow, they said they would", Hobi says sounding excited. Dal came downstairs a few hours later and we had dinner then we watched Netflix the rest of the night until we both couldn't stay awake. The next day Dal helped me pick out an outfit for the concert, when Jimin and Yoongi arrived the agreed that I looked hot as hell and that Kim Taehyung will kick himself for treating me the way he did. I kiss my brother on his forehead and tell him I wont be late and I thank Jimin and Yoongi again before walking out with Hobi.

When we get to the venue, there are people standing in the lobby, drinking and eating various appetizers. "I cant believe I am here right now, thank you so much for coming with me Jin", Hobi says in a whisper. "Yea, Yea, don't think I forgot your promise to do anything for me", I say rolling my eyes. "I know, I meant it Jinnie, anything", he winks elbowing me in the ribs. "There is Namjoon, Oh my god, lets go say Hi and see if he remembers us", Hobi says pulling me by my hand. "Namjoon", Hobi says. "Holy shit, Hoseok", he says, "Seokjin is that you, wow you really grew up didn't you", he says eyeing me up and down. "Namjoon, its nice to see you", I say annoyed by the way he is looking at me.


I am in my dressing room, listening to Jungkook drone on and on about some random chick he hooked up with last night, blah blah blah. "You would not believe who actually showed up", Namjoon says walking into the room. "Who", Jungkook asks. "Kim Seokjin", he says smirking, "and he is fine as fuck, talk about growing up, that boy did it quite well." I was intrigued and surprised he came, when I had Namjoon call Hobi to offer him tickets with the stipulation he bring Seokjin, I didn't think he would come and it only took Jungkook a second before he was out the door, forgetting all about his random hook up story. After Namjoon walked out to take a call I got up and went toward the lobby, looking for a corner where I could get a good vantage point, and that's when I saw Jungkook talking to Seokjin and Hoseok. Seokjin looks fucking amazing, to think that skinny little kid had a crush on me in High School, and I wasn't very nice to him. Seeing him now I wish I would have been nicer, of course Jungkook cant keep his fucking hands off of him, and Seokjin doesn't seem to mind the attention he is getting from Jungkook and every other person who walks by him. Just wait till he sees what I have planned, it is going to be perfect. 

I peek out at the audience and I see that Hoseok and Seokjin are in their seats, I had to put them in front for my plan to work. The band is set up and after they announce me I walk out, waving to everybody in the audience. I look at Seokjin and he rolls his eyes at me and looks away, I see he is still upset with me and the way I acted, I don't blame him, I was a cocky asshole who treated people like shit, he didn't deserve it, none of them did. I never told anyone then, but I actually did have a crush on Seokjin, he was a nerdy little guy, but he had the prettiest eyes and the most beautiful plump lips I had ever seen, but my pride and reputation got in the way and I treated him badly, now he is here in front of me and I can finally right my wrongs.

I play a few songs and I actually see Seokjin having fun and singing along with Hobi, I am flattered that he even knows any of my songs, but its almost the end of the concert so I switch it up, I tell my band to take a break and I grab my guitar, sitting on a stool close to the front row. "I'm glad you all came tonight, thank you for joining me here, I am actually glad one person in particular is here,  I want to sing him a song, apologizing for the way I acted in the past, and that I hope he can forgive me. I had a crush on this person in school and was to prideful to ever admit to him, let alone myself, so Seokjin I hope that I can right my wrongs tonight and that you will allow me to say I am sorry." I start to play and his big eyes haven't left my face since I started talking and when I start to sing I saw the tears come to his eyes...

Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing

Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call, you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

I put my hand out for him to take, which he did, and I sat him on the stage with me when Jungkook brought out another stool. His beauty is memorizing and to see his tear streaked face is making my heart hurt for the things I said to this precious man. After I was done singing I grabbed Seokjin's hand and kissed it, the audience erupted in applause, but he was still in shock, I asked Jungkook to come back and take Seokjin to my dressing room, he went willingly and I finished my set. When I said good bye to everyone I had Namjoon grab Hobi and bring him back also, we hugged and said our hello's, then I turned my attention to Seokjin. "What is all this, what's going on", he says angrily.

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