Chapter 42

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Chris said his Mum's place was only a ten minute drive away, so we got into his Audi and set off.

I could feel my heart racing, I was sweating and I kept fidgeting in my seat. Chris placed an hand over mine.

'Calm down Luce', he said.

'I'm trying but I can't Chris. It's your Mum! What if she hates me? What if she thinks I'm only interested because you're famous? What if she hates what I wear?!'

'I can't imagine anyone hating you darlin'. I've spoken to her about you, she knows how much I like you. Just trust me ok?', he squeezed my thigh for emphasis.

'I do trust you. I'm just nervous!', I honestly answered. He looked over and gave me a reassuring smile and another squeeze of my leg.

It didn't take long to get to his Mum's house. Again, I was just as surprised when we pulled up in front of a very ordinary looking house. Obviously all the houses seemed massive compared to where I lived, but it wasn't showy. It looked very homely.

'Ok here we are', Chris said taking his seatbelt off. 'Are you ok?', he asked.

'Well, I'm still shitting myself, but I'm trying my best to calm down', I said taking my own seatbelt off. Chris leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.

'She's gonna love you', he said resting his forehead on mine. 'Come on, let's go.' We got out of the car and walked up the path. I had a vice like grip on Chris' hand as he pulled me along behind him. I did contemplate making a run for it but quickly realised this would be pointless as I didn't know where I was!

'Ma!', Chris shouted as he let himself in. God, this was it, I was gonna meet his Mum. This was a rather big step! I smoothed down my dress and tried to swallow my nerves. 'Come on Luce, she'll be in the kitchen.' We both took our coats off.

I followed Chris through an airy hallway and into a nice spacious kitchen where a lady had her back to us stirring something at the stove, she hadn't heard us as music was playing. Chris let go of me and walked over and hugged her making her turn around.

'Hello honey, I'm glad you could come. You'll have to excuse all this mess Lucy, lovely to meet you', she said wiping her hands on an apron and turning the volume down on the music before she made her way over to me. 'I'm Lisa.' she said, gingerly giving me a hug.

'Lovely to meet you Lisa', I said smiling. What a friendly woman. I could feel my nerves ease slightly. She seemed so nice.

'Would you like a drink? Chris, get some glasses down would you?', she said putting her son to work.

'Um yeah sure that would be good thank you.' I said shuffling from one foot to the other.

'Take a seat dear', she offered pointing to the stools that were next to the breakfast bar. I sat down and watched Chris get some glasses down.

'What do you fancy to drink Luce?', he asked opening the fridge and looking what was in there.

'Um I'm not sure', I answered. I hated that question. I could ask for a drink and they may not have it. But would it seem really rude asking what they had. This was always something that had bothered me when going to people's houses that I wasn't familiar with.

'Why don't you come and have a look', he suggested saving me the embarrassment of asking what was on offer. Could this man do anything wrong? I got up and joined him at the fridge as Lisa went back to stirring.

'Ma, is the food ready yet? I'm starving!', another male voice said as I saw Scott walk into the kitchen.

'Scott, we have a guest!', Lisa scolded her son. 'Come and meet Lucy!'

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