Chapter 64

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I spent the day at work moping about  feeling grotty and frustrated. I desperately wanted to speak with Chris and make amends but I just didn't know where to start. I felt so dreadful about the whole situation.

When I finished work, I decided to go and see my Mum and Dad and tell them all about it to see what they thought.


'So what do you think?', I asked picking at my nails nervously.

'Ummm, I'm not sure honey. It would be a big upheaval wouldn't it?', my Mum said.

'I know, that's what worries me. It's nice of Chris to want to try and find me work and want to see me more, but with the travel and my current job I just don't think it's going to work', I said sighing feeling completely dejected.

'Lucy, I know why you said those things about your independence but you have to see where Chris is coming from too. He's obviously crazy about you and just wants to help. Think of the great opportunities this could lead to! Your Mum and I obviously would prefer for you to stay here but if your career takes you to America I'm sure we could work something out. You need to be in a job that makes you happy and with someone who makes you happy', my Dad said giving me a gentle smile.

'Are you telling me to move to the States Dad?', I asked shocked. I did not expect my Dad to be so for it.

'Not move, but speak to work. See if you'd be able to maybe take some unpaid leave if the job opportunity arises. Also, remember if a job does come up you'd be paid so that would cover the money you'd be missing out on here. Try not to rule anything out. And for goodness sakes, speak to the man. It sounds like you've insulted him!'

'I know, I know, it was just a knee jerk reaction. You're really keen on the idea aren't you Dad?'

'I really am. Your pictures are amazing sweetheart. And the fact your pictures are going to be used to promote a TV show is incredible. We're both so proud of you aren't we love?' My mum nodded and gave me a hug.

'Right, well I'd best get home, get some food and start grovelling hadn't I?', I said chuckling.

Once I arrived home I put some food in the oven and got changed into my comfiest pj's ready. When I came back down from getting changed I noticed my phone was blinking, telling me I had a message, to my surprise it was from Chris

I don't think it's easy at all and believe me, things aren't as easy as you think for me.

I know how much of an upheavel this would be for you. Just please don't disregard it before it's even begun. It was only an idea. I just know how damn talented you are, and I don't want you to be unhappy in your job. I'll ring you in a bit if you want me to?

I had to admit I was kind of relieved. I really thought I'd screwed this up. I sat cross legged on the sofa and tapped a reply to him.

Thank you Chris, you really are one hell of a human being.

I'm really sorry for what I said, there was no need for me to be so rude. I've just got so used to being independent and I don't want to lose that. Plus if I'm honest I'm scared. Living here is all I've ever known. Even if it was for a month at a time, I don't think I could manage with all the travelling. But I've just spoken to my parents and my Dad thinks I'm mad if I don't even give it a shot.

And I'd love a call later. I miss you so much.

I placed my phone down with a massive sigh of relief and headed into the kitchen to sort my dinner out. I wasn't expecting Chris to immediately want a video call so figured I had some time to eat and compose myself and get my grovelling head on.

An hour later

'Hey Luce', he said waving as as I answered the video call. There was definitely a bit of tension but I was determined to try and sort this mess out. I didn't wanna lose him.

'Chris, before you say anything, please know how sorry I am. I was bang out of order in what I said and must have come across as the biggest brat. I've just become so fiercely independent and I don't wanna lose that', I let out a big breath and gave him a shy smile.

'Luce, it's fine. I'm sorry too. I know our lives are very different and so I shouldn't just assume things. I know you can't just drop your job and responsibilities, that was really arrogant of me to think you could do that. But I don't regret what I said about helping you out. I know you want to keep your independence and I respect that, but if there is anything I can do to help, just say the word cos I'm crazy about you darlin' and I really wanna see where this could go, cos you're something special Luce. '

I think my face must have been making heart eyes at the screen. My face broke out into a massive smile and my cheeks started to heat up.

'I'm crazy about you too ya know', I admitted.

'Well good to know we're on the same page!', he said chuckling. 'Also, it was literally just Morten putting feelers out, nothing has been spoken about as of yet. But it would be amazing for your portfolio wouldn't it?' I could tell how excited he was at the prospect.

'It would yeah. I guess I'm just scared Chris. I'm such a home bird. Little old Lucy in a big place with strangers taking photos, such an alien concept!'

'I'll try and be with you wherever you go if it fits in with my schedule. I'm sure Scott could help too if I wasn't around?', he offered.

'That's so sweet. I'd love that. Scott is so lovely.'

'He'll always help if he can. He really likes you', he admitted.

'He does?', I questioned.

'Well, who wouldn't?!', he said laughing.

'True! So, now that's out of the way, it's Thanksgiving tomorrow isn't it?'

'Well remembered Luce. It is yeah, I'm gonna go over and see if Ma needs anything in about an hour. Think Scott is flying in this evening so I'll pick him up from the airport with his new beau.'

'Hes bringing him to Thanksgiving?! Must be serious!', I said chuckling.

'Ya know, if you were here you'd be coming too right?'

'No I didn't. But I do now', I shyly said. I was so hopelessly in love with him. But how on earth was I meant to tell him. It wasn't really something you blurted out over a video call right?


I couldn't leave you guys hanging too long now could I?!

Hope you enjoyed it x

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