Chapter 23

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I cleared everything away before I made my way up to bed. I was pretty tired. I made my way into the bathroom, used the loo, brushed my teeth and gave my face a wash and went into my bedroom where I got ready for bed. I hadn't had that much to drink tonight, I think I'd only had 2 glasses.

I tucked myself up in bed and quickly sent Chris a text.


Hey, the girls have just gone and I'm all tucked up in bed. Hope you're having a good time at your Mum's.

I scrolled through Instagram for a couple of minutes before plugging my phone in, turning out the bedside light and lying down. Then my phone started singing at me, I turned it over and Chris was requesting a video call so I quickly turned the light back on before I answered.

'Hey you', I said with a sleepy smile.

'Hey gorgeous, you all tucked up in bed then?' he asked.

'Yup', I answered making the p pop. 'Aren't you still at your Mum's?'

'Yeah, I thought I'd just come upstairs so I could call you before you went to sleep.'

'That's sweet, it's lovely to see your face just before bed', I said with a grin.

'It's lovely to see your face too. I'm just in my old room', he said gesturing round. He was leaning on what looked like the headboard of a double bed.

'Ooh fancy, double bed! I never got a double at home', I said with a tinge of jealously in my voice.

'She won't ever admit it, but I'm clearly Ma's favourite!', he said with a chuckle. He then went out of shot.

'Chris?!' I said wondering what had gone on.

'Sorry, Scott heard me and threw a pair of socks at me so I dodged out of the way', he said laughing.

'You are not her favourite at all!', I heard a male voice say out of shot.

'Scott, come here and say hi to Lucy', Chris said raising his eyebrows to me questioning if that was ok. I nodded feeling a little nervous.

'Hey Lucy, don't let him fool ya, I'm clearly the favourite!', Scott said smiling and waving.

'Hi Scott, lovely to meet you', I said returning the smile.

'Scott, just give us a minute, I'll be down soon', Chris said shooing Scott out of shot and presumably out of his room.

'Bye Lucy', I heard in the distant.

'Sorry about that', Chris said shaking his head.

'It's fine, he seems nice', I said smiling. There was definitely a family resemblance, and I'd seen enough online to know how close they were. It was lovely to see.

'Good, glad he didn't freak you out!', Chris said combing his hands through his hair.

'No, not at all!', I said yawning.

'Awww Luce, let me let you get to sleep', Chris said.

'Sorry, I'm shattered, it's been a busy week', I said with a sleepy smile.

'No apology needed darlin', I'll call you tomorrow night if that's ok?'

'More than ok, night Chris.'

'Night Luce, sweet dreams.'

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