Chapter 7

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I had slept like a log on Friday night, and was ready for our playdate at Emma and Riley's on Saturday morning. I hoped I'd be able to get Emma on her own to fill her in on the plans for next weekend without Riley hearing. Like I'd said to her, I didn't want him telling Ian. Not just yet anyway.

We drove round to Emma and Riley's and Elijah was really excited to play with their two boys.

'Hellloooo', I cooed as we opened the front door and walked in. They'd seen us coming and unlocked it for us.

'Hey, you guys ok?' Riley asked.

'Yep we're good, you?' I asked. Things were always going to be a bit difficult with Riley. Him and Ian were very close. I don't think he'd taken sides, but it was always going to be a bit weird. Luckily Emma was the girl that helped us remain friendly.

'Hello Luce,' she shouted from the kitchen. 'I'm just making the boys some lunch if you want to help me while Riley supervises the boys.' she said as I walked in. 'Shut the door', she whispered, 'I wanna hear everything!'

I filled her in on the conversations Chris and I had had, and the plans for next weekend. She looked how I felt.

'I can't believe you've managed to wangle yourself a date with Captain friggin America', she said as she chopped up some cucumber.

'Neither can I,' I said as I pinched some cucumber to nibble on.

'Have you got any ideas of outfit, where you're going, anything?' she asked waving her arms round brandishing a big arse knife. I raised my eyebrows and she put it down. 'Sorry!'

'No idea on outfit, and I've been looking at smallish bars that are a bit off the beaten track. I figured he won't want to go somewhere too public', I shrugged.

'That's a good point, you could get snapped by the paps', she said with her eyes as big as saucers as she laid out the food on the dining table.

'Yeah, I'm trying to ignore that part of it all, otherwise I get myself worked up into a frenzy and think about cancelling everything', I replied grabbing some glasses out of the cupboard.

'You most definitely will not cancel Mrs,' she said waving around some breadsticks in front of my face. 'This is your once in a lifetime opportunity, and I want to live vicarously through you. I want to know every little detail!' she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

'Oh come off it Emma, nothing like that is gonna happen, I do have morales you know'.

'I know I know, but Luce, it's Chris Evans for christ's sake. I'd climb him like a tree given half the chance!', she answered.

'Emma Dixon, you saucy minx', I said and she just replied with a smile and another wiggle of the eyebrows. Riley and the boys soon joined us and we all helped ourselves to some food.

After we'd eaten, Emma, Riley and I sat down watching the boys play and caught up on school, work, and everything in between. Riley had started a new job a few months before and Emma had got a promotion so they filled me in all all the changes and I told them about the big project at work.

'Oh is that the time?' I asked looking at my watch, it was gone 3. We'd been there 4 hours. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?!

Elijah and I left 5 minutes later and I dropped him back off at his Mum's. I didn't stay but she seemed grateful for the break. Emma had promised to come round next Friday night and help me pick out an outfit.

The rest of the weekend flew by. Chris and I exchanged a few messages, but he was filming all weekend so we weren't able to chat as much as I would have liked.

Soon Monday rolled around. As I made my way to work, I couldn't help thinking that in just a few days I would be meeting one of the most gorgeous men in the world. Luckily, work was full on again and it made the week fly by.

I spent Friday doing the usual adulting around the house. Around 10am Chris sent me a picture. He was lay on a bed with a goofy grin on his face with his eyes closed and had captioned it 'I've arrived'. I sent one back telling him to get some rest and that I was looking forward to Saturday.

As the day went on, I could feel myself getting more and more nervous. Emma said she would be coming around about 8pm once the boys were settled in bed to help me pick an outfit, Charlie had given me some ideas too. I had some food and settled down to watch something, anything on the TV just to take my mind off my nerves. The doorbell rang at 8.15pm.

'Hey, sorry I'm late', she said as she ran in from the pouring rain, 'those boys take forever to settle and Riley is sometimes as useful as a chocolate teapot', she said as she threw her shoes off and made her way into the front room.

'First things first, I need a cuppa, then we'll head upstairs and sort out your outfit', she said as she pulled off her coat.

I quickly made us both a cup of tea and we headed upstairs to my room. After what seemed like hours, we decided on a classy yet sexy outfit. Black skinny jeans, an emerald strappy top that was a slightly lower neckline that I would normally wear (no idea what I was thinking when I bought it!) and some simple jewellery. I very rarely wore heels as I was tall so I chose my knee high black boots with a very small heel. Emma had told me to wear my dark brown hair loose and wavy (I pretty much always straightened it). I also picked out a black cardigan to wear and a leather jacket I had recently purchased on a whim.

'I won't even pretend to know what makeup you should do', she said. Emma was always asking me tips on makeup. I had amassed quite a collection of stuff over the past 6/7 years and I'd watched enough Youtube videos to know what I was doing.

'Well I think my work here is done', she said as she sat down on my bed. My phone dinged.

'Is it him?' she asked as I sat down next to her. I picked up my phone and checked and it was. He was telling me his meeting had just finished.

'He seems really sweet', she said as I showed her the picture he'd sent earlier when he'd arrived.

'He is', I said all breathy, blushing in the process.

'Oh you got it bad Luce', Emma said while fanning me with her hand.

'Oh shut up, I'm just nervous and tired and jeez I wish these butterflies would stay still', I said as I pointed to my stomach.

'Look, don't think of it as Chris Evans, just think of it as a normal date', she plainly said.

'That's the thing Em, I've not been on a date in about 7 or 8 years!'

'Aaahh right, ummmm imagine him naked?' she suggested with a naughty look on her face.

'You are not helping woman', I pointed at her and she started giggling.

'Listen I'm gonna go, you need your beauty sleep', she said as she headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs. 'I want you to text me when you meet up with him and keep me informed of where you are ok? I know he's god's gift and all that but even the most beautiful men can be axe murderers you know', she said very seriously.

'I will boss, but I'm sure he won't be murdering me', I said.

I saw her to the door and she whizzed off in her car. I made my way upstairs to bed after checking everywhere was locked up. I quickly hung my outfit up ready for tomorrow, brushed my teeth and got myself ready for bed. I quickly sent Chris a message.


Hey, hope the meetings went ok, just heading to bed now, see you tomorrow :)

It didn't take long for a reply. How he had the stamina to still be awake I don't know


Meetings went great actually, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, sleep well darling xxx

I could have fainted there and then. He called me darling. Holy sweet mother of god. I was in a lot of trouble. How was I supposed to remain calm and composed tomorrow? I was gonna lose my shit big time.

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