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Seungmin: do you like the chair? I'm so sorry, I told Chan that we shouldn't put you on a chair but he said the bed would give you an easy escape.... But this chair is the finest, most comfortable chair in this whole clan. Hope you're enjoying it.

he smiles at me. What on earth. If I didn't hear that conversation just now, I would instantly believe he's a fraud. I'm not saying there isn't chance he's not, I'm just giving him the benefit of doubt.

Seungmin: oh sorry we duct taped you as well

he knelt down and took my duct tape away slowly trying to prevent the pain

Seungmin: there... Better?

What the heck is he playing at? He stared at me. His eyes were shimmering.

Seungmin: I'm sorry Jaeya.. I would let you go but you're still the daughter to my biggest enemy...

I didn't reply. I just glared at him. How did he know who I was.

Seungmin: why? What's wrong? Are you surprised I know you? Ah... I remember the first time laying my eyes on you.. I was only 10, bet you were about a year younger or so. I was studying in my study room when I saw you. Little girl, sneaking out of the building with your brothers. They taught you how to wield a sword. As you grew older, they taught you other things.. All weapons I could think of, you knew them. I'm guessing your tutor? He taught you secretly at that same spot as well didn't he? Where it's hidden from your father, it's clearly visible to me. Seeing you run through the meadows with your brothers...

If father was to know about this, I'm dead. I need to get home quickly. I need to find a weapon to use. Hand in hand combat won't do good for me right now because he definitely has more strength than I do. A knife in his boots? That'll do.

Seungmin: aren't you gonna talk? Are you hungry? I brought biscuits and tea.

I used my feet to get his knife out as he walked off to get the biscuits. I quietly cut the rope. Someone grabs the knife away from me. My instincts cause me to kick him in the face and he falls backwards.

Seungmin: what the hell???

I grab the knife back and point it at him. Other people came running into the room.

Me: I'm not your doll to play date and dump with. Go find other women to satisfy your needs.
Seungmin: I'm not playing doll with you darling

Someone grabs me from the back, I dodged and cut his leg. I then punch him in the face. He fell to the ground wounded. Seungmin ran to the boy.

Seungmin: Felix!!!

1 down 7 more to go. The problem is I've been heavily outnumbered. Another guy took the knife away from me. I grabbed his arm and twisted it. He does a back flip causing me to fly backwards and crash onto the floor. He then grabs me and strangles me.

Seungmin: Hyunjin! Enough!

I used all my weight to pull him up and flip him. He falls to the floor, injured. Everyone pointed their guns at me.

Seungmin: enough! No one else touches her!
Me: I'm not done
Seungmin: now look at you... Don't you have a strong fighting charisma
Me: why? Afraid of it?
Seungmin: no but it's makes you look attractive also I don't want my crew mates to scar your beautiful baby skin.

someone shoots me with a sedative again.


I heard Seungmin scream as my vision turns into a pool of darkness

-Seungmin's POV-

Seungmin: sigh... Is this the only way to tame her?
Chan: should we send them a letter?
Seungmin: yes, I'll go write one the meantime.... Sigh... Lock her up in a room. Make sure loads are in there guarding her. If attempt to fight shoot her with a sedative.. But chan...
Chan: yes?
Seungmin: make her know we aren't a threat and..... calm her down please
Chan: ... Yes

-Beomgyu's POV-

Soobin and I were in our room. It's been 6 hours since her kidnapping. We had no idea what to say or wat to do. Someone knocked on the door and the maid came in.

Maid: 2nd master, 3rd master. You are requested by your father.

she leaves the room. I look at soobin.

Me: we're so dead...
Soobin: it'll be fine... Come on, let's go

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