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we went into the house. I brought her to her room

Me: here's your room. Chan will help you get settled down.. We'll be having dinner at 6
Jaeya: who's chan?
Me: I thought you met him already?

I point to Chan

Jaeya: that's Chris
Me: also Chan.
Jaeya: where will you be going?
Me: I have other things I need to attend to
Jaeya: alright
Me: see you later at dinner

-Jaeya's POV-

he leaves the room. I look at Chris

Me: you have 2 names?
Chris: my names actually Bang Christopher Chan my close friends call me Chan. I introduce myself with Chris
Me: nice... Where's he going?
Chris: did you forget you stabbed our crewmate in the leg?
Me: right... I forgot
Chris: anyways if you need anything tell-

he stopped mid-sentence. I look at him and he had a shocked expression on his face

Me: why?
Chris: y- your back....

this isn't going well. No one was supposed to know

Me: why?
Chris: it's bleeding really badly
Me: ehehe don't mind it

I wanted to walk to the toilet but he pulls my hand stopping me

Chris: let me help you clean it... I'm an expert nurse
Me: and why should I believe you?
Chris: trust me, you're gonna need me more than you expect
Me: okay okay fine..

I take off my shirt. The bandage was all full of blood because the wounds opened.

Chris: what on earth?! How do you endure the pain?!
Me: ..... I'm used to it
Chris: used to this?! Who'd do such a thing???
Me: ........
Chris: you know you can talk to me right? If you ever feel uncomfortable or anything, come talk to me...
Me: you're still my enemy....

he started to sew the wounds close. While he was preoccupied with my wounds, I stole a knife from him, just incase I need it later.

Chris: you're my boss' fiancé.. I think it's safe to say you're on our side..
Me: you're lucky enough I'm showing you this... It was supposed to be kept a secret... If father finds out you saw this... I don't know if I can live the following day he finds out...
Chris: why do you always talk about death? Do you wanna die so badly?
Me: maybe....
Chris: you remind me of my lil sister
Me: oh do I? Did you tell her that you found her doppelganger?
Chris: she passed aways 7 years back....
Me: that's... That's long...
Chris: yeah... Seungmin saw me crying... Picked me up and comforted me.. He was the one that made me who I am
Me: at least you don't have a fake brother...
Chris: fake?
Me: well... I believe Yeonjun has a heart deep down but I never see him showing it... And well because of that, it caused my 2nd brother, Soobin and him to be on bad terms... Soobin never wanted anything to do with him.. He always kept me away from Yeonjun
Chris: I'm sorry....
Me: I'm sorry for your sister....
Chris: I think both our stories aren't as bad as Seungmin's....
Me: what's wrong?
Chris: I'll let him tell you himself... Anyways I'm done

He stood up to put the first aid-kit back.

Me: don't tell anyone what you saw or I'll have a 1 v 1 with you and it ain't gonna be pretty
Chris: okok chill but... I'll think about it

I threw the knife. It flew pass his face missing his ear by millimeters. It landed on the wooden wall.

Chris: that was scary... And seriously you should stop stealing my knives.
Me: then be more alert... Also give me one.. To let me know that you trust me not to kill anyone
Chris: woah woah princess, calm down.. We only met for a day.. Also could you teach me your skills? How are you so good?
Me: been learning them since I could crawl
Chris: that's exaggeration..
Me: not really... You know how serious father is...
Chris: damn.. You grew up in a strict household...
Me: father wanted me hidden from the world... Till now... I don't know why.. Only the boys know... They won't tell me
Chris: they're all older than you?
Me: yup Soobin and Gyu by 1 Yeonjun by 2
Chris: why don't you just ask your mum?
Me: Soobin said she left 2 months after giving birth to me....
Chris: ah... Want me to show you around?
Me: sure

he showed me around the house. Halfway into our tour, Chris got a call.

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