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I walked off to sit down. Seungmin gave Chris a confused face. I didn't wanna open up to Seungmin becuz he's the leader after all. Who knows what he might do

Seungmin: well.... Let's get dinner started

A maid came over and started serving us. While walking to me, she poured hot tea onto my legs on purpose but I moved back faster than she expected so it only hurt my knees. It was boiling hot so it burned a small part of it.

Maid: Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so sorry

she wanted to take the napkin and wipe my knee but I know very well that if she touches the burn area it will sting

Me: it's okay.. People make mistakes

I knew she did that on purpose because she was smirking before coming over to serve me.

Me: smiles I'm fine.. I'll do it myself
Maid: no I'll help you

she pressed really hard onto the burn part. It stinged so badly.

Me: stop. I'll do it
Maid: no I'll do it for you-

she kept forcing me to let her trying to touch my knee. I grab her hand

Me: do not touch my body without my permission.. Try that one more time I'll break your arm off
Maid: I dare you to try that. I've been here since I was born. You've been here only for a day. We can't compare lady

she threw the cloth at me. I calmly picked it up and placed it on the table

Me: what's your name?
Maid: you think I'd tell you?
Me: ...... well.. Miss... I really don't care if you've been here since 300 years ago or 5 million years ago
Maid: what?
Me: I just want you to know how uncomfortable it felt just now...

I stood up and pushed her making her fall to the ground. I knelt down and put my hand on her cheek. I slap her once

Me: from now on every time you touch me you'll receive a slap from me.... Darling, I could've done way worse.

I slap her one more time

Me: and that was for disrespecting me.. Despite who you are.. I respected you but did you respect me? I highly doubt... I don't care if the boys are looking or not, I will take action if you try anything agian

I flick her chin. Her face was pale and she was shaking

Me: do you you know Mr. Choi?
Maid: y- yes
Me: do you know what's he's famous for?
Maid: v- vi- violence
Me: I grew up watching him abuse his enemies and I saw this punishment, that I would really love to try out on girls like you

then I took out my knife and stabbed it onto the wooden ground right beside her face

Me: watch that big mouth of yours

I stood up, apologised and bowed towards the boys. All of them looked at me shocked.

Me: excuse me but I think I'll skip dinner
Seungmin: o- okay you're excused

I left the room

-Seungmin's POV-

Seungmin: go after her
Chan: yes sir

he ran after her. I walked to Aeri, our maid and bent down. She was still there shocked and shaking.

Me: smirks didn't I warn you to watch out for her... Aeri-ah, one more time you hurt her, it's your life in return.

I stood up to walk away but she grabbed my hand

Aeri: Seungmin! Why would you do that to me?!
Me: she's my fiancée and my first priority now... I don't want her to think we have some secret thing going on because we don't
Aeri: but don't you love me? After you took over the seat, you barely come and say hi
Me: pft.... Don't kid yourself... I've nvr liked you... I was forced to be your friend because of my grandmother.. She pitied you... I never wanted to be your friend...
Me: sigh.. Minho, please go ahead...

Minho walked towards us

Minho: she isn't ruining your life.. You're ruining her's....

Minho grabbed her by her arms

Me: goodbye, Song Aeri.

Minho took her out of the room. She was screaming and crying. I sat back down onto my seat

Me: sigh....
Changbin: thank God you finally got rid of that sticky rice....
Felix: dude, her following us around and slacking all day is so annoying....
IN: she disturbs me to find out where hyung goes all day!
Han: I loved Jaeya's attitude! She just told her off
Felix: a real savage

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