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Changbin leaves the room to go back to dinner. I ate then Chris took the plate out at the same time left Felix and I to sleep

Felix: can I learn from you?
Me: learn what?
Felix: you know hand in hand combat
Me: why don't you ask Han?
Felix: asking them isn't easy... Because they're already so good... I'm like a rookie...
Me: ..... alright then.. When the both of us recover I'll teach you
Felix: thanks... Well goodnight
Me: night

at 4:20 I woke up and see how I was gonna get down without needing to use the halls. The window's wall had edges like rock climbing. I figured I could climb down and up since it wasn't that steep at the same time I've been practicing rock climbing with Soobin and Gyu since 5. I stood at the widow ready to climb down when Felix woke up

Felix: JAEYA!
Me: huh?
Me: shhhh felix! You're gonna wake the others!
Felix: .... You're fine?
Me: yeah... I'm not being kidnapped...
Felix: .... Are you sneaking home?
Me: when I make a deal I stick to it so no I'm not sneaking home... I'm just gonna meet my brother at the border.... Don't tell anyone I beg you
Felix: will you be alright?
Me: yea I will
Felix: see you in a while then
Me: it won't take me that long trust me... I'll be back in 20 mins
Felix: I'm counting...

I climbed down and ran through the meadow to the border. I saw and shadow standing there. I ran up to him, jumped onto him and hugged him tightly. My legs grabbed his waist. He fell backwards

Me: Binnie!!!!
Soobin: woah are you okay? Did they hurt you? Did you eat? Did they touch you?
Me: they've been really nice to me.. Why'd you ask?
Soobin: I'm just a little worried
Me: I'm fine, Chris? The assistant has been taking really good care of me.. He's like a replica of you BUT you're better!
Soobin: I've always been haven't I?
Me: yeah you have
Soobin: here... Letters from Gyu, Hyuka and even Kai hyung
Me: what about yours?
Soobin: it's in there
Me: well... I have to go, my room mate saw me leaving
Soobin: roommate?
Me: yuh.. I'm staying in the medic ward for a few nights
Soobin: are you sure they didn't hurt you? Why are you in the ward?
Me: .... Well... Chris saw my wounds on my back... He helped me stitched it back and since it won't properly heal till I get proper rest, he insisted for me to stay in the ward...
Soobin: if you say so.. But let me know if they hurt you okay?
Me: of course

he plays with my hair

Soobin: having you at our enemy base is the most scariest thing to happen in my life because I literally worry bout you day in day out...
Me: I'll be fine, I didn't have all that training with you, Kai and Gyu for nothing
Soobin: are you sure you don't want me to spy?
Me: I'll be fine alright? I promise I'll come back if something happens... I love you
Soobin: I love you too

Soobin hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead

Soobin: I'll be gone for a week... Dad's got this meet in Ilsan tomorrow... He said Yeonjun and I'll have to be there
Me: stay safe
Soobin: will do, if anything happens contact Gyu or Hyuka okay?
Me: okay
Soobin: see you soon princess
Me: see you soon

I kiss his cheek and started walking back. I turned backwards to look at him leave but he didn't. He just stood there watching me

Me: aren't you gonna go
Soobin: I need to make sure you're safe and sound back home first
Me: hehe my usual protective brother
Soobin: prefer me being like this or like Yeonjun hyung?
Me: obviously you're best
Soobin: mhm time to go, I see someone at the window you came down from
Me: that should be Felix

I ran back and climbed the wall back up. Felix was sitting there. When he saw me come up he ran to me

Felix: you're actually back! I was ready to come up with an excuse to cover up for your disappearance
Me: I told you I don't back up frm my words
Felix: smiles glad to know that

I sat on the bed to read the letters. Felix came and sat beside me

Felix: what do you have there?
Me: letters

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