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after eating, I went to shower, I changed into my usual skirt and a crop top and my normal converse shoes. While Felix was getting changed, a boy came into the med ward. I think his name was Han

Han: oh- hey Jaeya, where's Felix? And what are you doing here?
Me: Felix's in the toilet
Han: ah ok... So I saw you fight that day... It was really good
Me: thanks
Han: do you want to train some time together?
Me: .... Sure, if I'm free
Han: what do you mean, you'll probably be free everyday.
Me: I'm Seungmin's fiancé so we'll see...
Han: oh come on Seungmin's the kind of person who wouldn't give the person he loves work at all-
Me: he doesn't love me... Anyways I never hear you guys use honorifics when talking about Seungmin... Why?
Han: we're that close also he's the 2nd youngest in our friend group.

felix came out

Felix: well, shall we?

we went down. Everyone was there except for Seungmin. We waited for a while more then Seungmin came. He walked up to me and offered his hand

Seungmin: shall we?

I did not accept it

Seungmin: darling, you're my fiancé, if you want to keep this title and not let silly and ridiculous rumours spread, it's best adviced for you to accept it

I glare at him then grabbed his hand

Seungmin: let's go

Seungmin escorted me into an Audi R8. After a while, we reached the location. Seungmin came out and opened the door for me and took my hand. We barged into the place and went to their dining room where the 3 of them were having breakfast.

Seungmin: Mr. Park Jimin! Good morning- oh- I'm sorry, did I disturb you?

Mrs. Park carried the baby and tried running away but they were stopped by Minho and Han.

Seungmin: oh nonono Mrs. Park, did I say you could leave?

Jimin hid his wife and child behind him

Jimin: what do you want from me?
Seungmin: what do I want? I want to know where's my money you said you'd give me back 2 years ago? I would let it slide of if it were a small amount but sir, it's a billion dollars we're talking about here. Don't say I haven't given you warnings, I gave you 4, Mr. Park, also don't say I didn't give you a chance. I told you if you don't give it back to me by today, it's you and your family's lives.... Get them.

Minho grabbed onto Mrs. Park while Changbin and Hyunjin grabbed onto Jimin. Chan carried the kid.

Seungmin: should we start off with this handsome young man?

he takes his gun and cocks it. He points it at the kids face. I don't know if I should interfere but I really can't stand to see a child die because of irresponsible parents and also because I kinda have a soft spot for children. I grab Seungmin's hand

Me: let the child go
Seungmin: what?
Me: let the child go... I'll look after him. You won't have to see his face at all. Just let him go... whisper  please
Seungmin: smiles anything for my princess

Chan let's go of the child and I take him. I turn his back against his parents and looked at him

Me: hey kid

I smile and touched his cheek

Me: you're gonna be all right
Jimin: so you got yourself another lover? Where's Aeri?
Seungmin: Aeri and I were never together.
Jimin: or are you just afraid of revealing it to her? That she would run away? She would leave you like how your mother did.

I noticed his words were triggering Seungmin. Seungmin clenched his teeth lost with words. I passed the child to Felix and walked up to Jimin.

Me: what's the little boy's name?
Jimin: Jiwoo
Me: smiles nice name

I walked to Minho and took his pistol and walk back to him.

Me: Mr. Park, first off, who gave you the rights to talk to my fiancée like that?

I used the pistol and shoot him in the leg.

Me: secondly, I'm not gonna run

Another shot on his other leg. Blood was oozing out everywhere.

Me: I'm not gonna hide

another one

Me: I'm gonna fight

I changed my gun's ammo and cocked the pistol.

Me: for what's mine
Me: smirks too bad you won't live long enough to attend the next one


Me: goodbye Mr. Park

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