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-Jaeya's POV-

We took the elevator up to the rooftop. I could see Seungmin standing there in his tux looking so handsome. Soobin extends his hand.

Soobin: shall we?

I took his hand and he walked me on the aisle to Seungmin.

Seungmin: whispers you look stunning my love.

I smiled at him as he takes my hand.

Preist: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Kim Seungmin and Choi Jaeya in marriage.

He was holding my hands. We were looking into each other's eyes. As I look at this stunning gentleman, I realised how much I fell for him. Someone would have to kill me three times before I leave him. He was everything I needed and I love him with all my heart. I will never ever hurt him. He looked at me smiling. Kim Seungmin, I'm fine with the whole world hating on me so long I was with you. The priest continued to speak but everything was a blur to me. I was too deep in though of how much a love this man.

Priest: do you take Choi Jaeya as your lawfully wedded wife?
Seungmin: I do
Priest: do you take Kim Seungmin as your lawfully wedded husband?
Me: I do
Priest: May I have the rings?

Jiwoo came running to the us and gave us the rings.

Priest: with this ring, I thee wed. You may kiss the bride.

Seungmin grabs my waist and dips me into a kiss while everyone clapped.

Seungmin: I love you beautiful
Me: I love you too Seungmo

Years later

Jiwoo: hyunggg! Jaemin won't listen to me!

Jiwoo went running to Seungmin while being chased by Jaemin.

Seungmin: what happened?
Jaemin: hyung doesn't want to play with me.
Jiwoo: because you keep throwing toys at my face!

Seungmin kneels down and places his hand on Jaemin.

Seungmin: yah, Kim Jaemin. Do you need me to punish you? Hurting someone is not good and it's also disrespectful to be throwing things at people. Would you like it if Jiwoo hyung threw something at you and hurt you?
Jaemin: .... No...
Seungmin: then I want you to stop okay? Promise daddy you'll stop or I'll call mummy.
Jaemin: okay daddy..

He picks Jaemin up

Seungmin: good boy. Now, shall we go find mummy and get some ice cream together?
Jaemin and Jiwoo: yes!

They came and found me in my office. Seungmin puts Jaemin down and he runs to me.

Jaemin: mummy! We're going to go get some ice cweam!
Me: really? Who's taking you sweetie?
Jaemin: daddy is!
Me: okay bubs, go enjoy yourselves.
Jaemin: is mummy not coming?
Me: I'm a little busy right now

Seungmin grabs my hands and pulls me away from the table.

Seungmin: Kim Jaeya. A break from work won't kill you.
Jaemin: ya mummy! Listen to daddy!
Jiwoo: please nuna. It won't be fun without you.
Me: okay fine, let's go.
Jaemin and Jiwoo: yayy!!!

Yuta: what was her name agian?
Yeonjun: Kim Jaeya
Yuta: how much?
Yeonjun: I'd pay anything so long you get rid of her.
Yuta: we should be able to get that done.

~BOOK 1~


Hi readers! Thank you for supporting me until the end! I will be taking a 2 month break before starting a new story. Thanks all and sorry for any inconvenience<3

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