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Felix: I'll give you time alone
Me: thanks

he went back to sleep while I opened and read Hyuka's one first then replied to it. It was our usual conversations but he did ask me why I had to leave. So I just told him it was because of a mistake I did and I told him to think twice before doing something next time. Then I opened Gyu's one.

Beomgyu: again... I don't know how to feel bout this... You got badly injured because of me, you have to marry Seungmin because of me... I feel so guilty... Tell me what to do please... I love you pretty girl

I wrote back to Gyu

Me: Aigoo Gyu ah didn't we talk about this? I'm all right, you don't have to worry bout me. I'm already used to it. Stay strong for me alrite? I want to see you at my wedding, I want to see you congratulate me for getting married. I want to see my children playing with you. Promise me that you'll get over it. I love you Gyu~~ I love you so much

then I read Kai's letter. I'm surprised he even wrote one

Kai: hello princess.. You really should listen to me more.. Seeing my 3 little children I've been assigned to raise since they were born hurt breaks my heart.. I hope you're doing all right there. Bet you can make it, you're a strong girl.. Contact me if anything happens alrite? I love you

I replied

Me: Hello Mister, don't worry~ I'm fine. I'll make sure not to do anything dumb to mess up alright? I promise. I missed those times where we would practice all day :) well, I'll see you soon don't worry. I love you too, bye!!

then finally I read soobin's letter

Soobin: I don't have much to write to you about to be honest... Look after yourself while I'm gone ya? Because if anything happens to you, I don't know if I can live anymore... Ya, I don't care bout other girls. You and mom.. Are the only girls in my life.. I'd do anything for you.. That was my last promise to mum.. Yes I know you're gonna scold me for bringing up mum but seriously I feel so much better when I talk to you.. I just want you to know that Seungmin is well known for mistreating other girls if they don't fit him.. If he ever starts mistreating you, come back. Just forget bout him.. I'll deal with dad, just come back. I can't bear to hear you get hurt. I love you so much bubs

and again I replied

Me: if Seungmin dares touch me, I'll make sure he dies. If you knew I was gonna kill you for bringing up mum why'd you do it? The only thing I know about mum is that she died giving birth to me.. And the pain of being told by dad that I was the one who killed her and that's why he despised me just hurts as well... I just want to make dad proud once... I guess I'll never be able to... Sorry Binnie.. Like how you feel, I also feel better telling you. I love you soo much Bin... Take care of yourself ya? I'll be praying for you.

I hid the letters then went to sleep. The next morning, Chris woke me up with breakfast in bed

Chris: here you go
Me: woah, thanks Chris
Felix: wabout me?
Chris: got you one too don't worry
Felix: yayyyy.... Hey Jaeya, why'd you call Chan Chris?... Is it me or is it super weird?
Chris: you're just not used to it.. Also Jaeya, you can call me Chan, others are more used to that
Me: alright Chan
Chan: we have some work to deal with today... Seungmin asked me to get you prepped, you're following us
Me: me?
Chan: yup.. You're his fiancé after all, you should be seen with him now
Felix: so what are we doing today?
Chan: you know the usual... We're paying Mr. Park a visit.
Me: wasn't The Park family the one that got bankrupt about 2 years back?
Chan: yup they came to us to get money to survive, Seungmin agreed and they haven't paid us back since then... We gave them about 4 warning telling them to pay us back or else we'd take their lives.. Unfortunately... Due dates today
Felix: didn't they have like a 1 year old child?
Chan: .... Yeah....
Felix: ......
Chan: here's your clothes, get ready then Felix, bring her down to the lobby
Felix: alright

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