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Chris: what the heck....

he checked to find his pistol. I hand it back to him.

Me: Seungmin told my father I was here already didn't he...
Chris: yeah...
Me: there's no point fighting then..
Chris: why?
Me: father knows...
Chris: are you those kind of daddy's girl?
Me: ..... Think what you want...
Chris: by the way... Hope you don't mind, I changed your outfit for you. Seungmin wanted something more comfortable for you
Me: whatever
Chris: why are there scars on your back?
Me: why'd you ask?
Chris: just curious
Me: I'm not telling
Chris: well fine by me
Me: what was the deal?
Chris: what?
Me: what was the deal he made with father? To hand me back
Chris: hand in marriage
Me: hell no
Chris: well.... We send the letter about 3 hours back.. If you're daddy's girl then most probably you won't have to marry Seungmin
Me: mumble father's gonna actually kill me before I come back here so what's the point..
Chris: what?
Me: nothing...
Chris: is it nice? Living as the daughter of a mafia?
Me: no
Chris: what why?
Me: just no...
Chris: wow you definitely don't wanna talk do you... Okay I'll leave you alone..

he leaves the room. I close my eyes and breathe in and out. I'll probably be dead before I come back here to get married with Seungmin. Father's gonna legit beat me up till I die. I hope Binnie and Gyu are fine. After about 4 hours, Seungmin came into the room.

Seungmin: your dad agreed to marry you off to me.. We'll be taking you home to pack.

I get changed back to my old clothes. A full on black outfit. A long sleeve button on shirt with a skirt and high boots. I went back home. I went to my shared room with Binnie and Gyu. They both came running to hug me. Soobin instantly checks for scars or injuries on my body.

Soobin: are you alright? Are you fine?
Beomgyu: I'm so sorry Yaya please forgive me.

Gyu's hugging me so tightly.

Me: I was never mad at you Gyu.. It wasn't your fault so relax and Binnie, I'm fine.

Soobin's turn to hug me

Soobin: Thank God... I don't know what I would do without you.

father definitely beat Soobin up because of the scars on his face

Me: Soobin... Your forehead... Are you alright?
Soobin: smiles so long you're fine, I'm fine
Me: I'm sorry.... For making you worried...

the maid enters the room

Maid: 2nd Master and Young Miss, your presence is requested by father
Beomgyu: what about me?
Maid: he didn't request for Young master
Soobin: well... Let's go...

we went into the room. Before I even took the first step into the room, a hand came flying at me and I got punched in the face. I fell to the ground. Soobin ran after me.

Soobin: YAYA!

I stood up again


I bowed my head

Me: I'm sorry father... This won't happen again...
Mr. Choi: no it won't because you're going to marry him. Like it or not
Me: whatever you decide, I'll abide to it father
Mr. Choi: better.. That is the kind of attitude I want from you.. Nothing else

he continued to abuse and complain about me till Soobin intervented

Soobin: father that's enough

father pushed Soobin away

Mr. Choi: you stay out of this
Soobin: father! Look at her! Look at your daughter! She's injured from head to toe! Do you want to present her like that to Seungmin?

father stops. My nose and mouth's bleeding. A deep gash on my forehead becuz father's ring cut me. The back of my shirt ripped because father's ring is sharp and he uses that to stab into my body and pull it down which makes horrible deep wounds. Blood was oozing out everywhere.

Mr. Choi: leave... Pack all her stuff.. I want her to leave today... Can't stand to see her face anymore... All of you are a disgrace.. You, Jaeya and Beomgyu...

we leave the room. Soobin instantly turns to me. He was crazy worried

Soobin: Yaya are you alright? Let's go to the med room
Me: no.. This is just a small gash.. I can clean it up myself.. Don't worry
Soobin: as if...

we went back to our room. The wound hurts so bad

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