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Me: wow...
Seungmin: I know right.. People say she seems interesting.. 100 times better than Aeri.
Me: dang.. Oh- back to where we were. Is that all?
Seungmin: yeah thanks

I took a cupcake and left the room. I found it rather suspicious so many people want her there this year. She's been famous since the Jimin incident but she didn't join the Congress last 3 years but I decided to just wipe it off as nothing.

-Jaeya's POV-

the day of the Congress came. I wore a brown skirt with a white button up, long sleeved shirt with a pair of high soles brown boots. Seungmin wore a brown tux. Our clan was going as brown colour.

Jiwoo: Nuna where are chu gowing?
Me: Nuna and Hyung got something to do alright? You stay here with Mark hyung first okay?
Jiwoo: otey

Mark Lee was Jiwoo's tutor. We took 2 of our limousines and went there. Seungmin and I walked onto the red carpet layed out for us. Top mafias are like celebrities in the mafia world. Commonners will take our photos and upload it to mafianet, a website for all the latest mafia news. As we were walking, many people ask Seungmin who I was but we ignored it. When we walked in, we were greeted by Jeon Jeongguk.

Jk: hello there Seungmin, been a while since I last saw you hasn't it? Should come and visit me more often.
Seungmin: Hyung
Jk: ah is this the savage fiancée I've heard about? Gorgeous lady you have there. I am intrigued to meet you, beautiful.

he takes my hand and bows and kisses it. I pull back

Me: pleasure to meet you too
Jk: shall we go take a seat?

we went to sit at our respective places. The Congress went on for a while. All of a sudden, the light went out, red lights and alarms went off. The host told us not to worry and to leave in a mannered order. Seungmin pulled me up from my seat but as I stand, I see something fly past me and into Seungmin's shoulder. He drops to the floor as his light brown coat starts to stain on his shoulder.

Me: SEUNGMO! Are you alright?!
Seungmin: ye- yeah I'm fine

I lie Seungmin onto my lap. The wound on his shoulder was big which meant the bullet was huge too. All the boys crowd around us, taking out their weapons. Chan speaks into his earpiece then kneels down to Seungmin and I.

Chan: don't move

Chan digs into the wound as Seungmin grunts. He grabs my hand and holds it tightly while Chan tries to take out the bullet but he needs time finding it.

Me: don't worry, he's almost there.. Seungmo look at me, he's almost done. Bear with us

Seungmin was grunting a lot. He was definitely in a whole lot of pain.

Me: Han, come here.. Look after him

I rest Seungmin onto Han's lap and took my gun out and looked around trying to find the person that shot Seungmin. A guy came and stood in front of me pointing the gun onto me. Others were targeting his companions.

Me: who are you?

he kept quite

Me: open that big fat mouth of yours NOW
Seungmin: no YAYA!

he pulled the trigger when I didn't expect it. The next thing I knew, Seungmin jumped in front of me and blocked the bullet from hitting me. All the boys released fire and shot all the masked man's companions. The masked assassin saw everyone dead and started panicking but before he could run away, Felix pinned him onto the ground. I dropped down to Seungmin.


Hyunjin called an ambulance and Seungmin was taken to the hospital emergency room. The doctor said he had to undergo an emergency surgery but after that surgery, he will enter a coma. I didn't care, so long he was alive it was good enough for me.

Me: Chan, call guards over to make sure his room is secured but make sure no guard enters the room
Chan: I'm on it

the next day, I was walking past the room and heard mumbling noises. I open the door to find Changbin and the boys all there talking.

Me: what are you guys talking bout?
Changbin: Yaya! Uh-
Chan: Yaya I think you should leave Jiwoo outside

I was carrying Jiwoo

Me: why?
Chan: just for safety reasons...

I called Mark and he took Jiwoo with him

Me: so... Tell me
Chan: we were checking to see who attacked us..
Me: let me help you..
Minho: can you even do this kind of thing?
Changbin: don't speak ill of her like that! She taught me most of what I can do now!
Minho: dayum

days went by, the only thing everyone did now was try to find the culprit or be with Seungmin.

Me: Jiwoo-ah... You've been asking where's Seungmin hyung right?
Jiwoo: yez..
Me: let's go see him shall we?

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